(0.632) Intelligence - Skill Bug

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I do think this is a bug, although it might be the game's incention, but..

Whenever I add an attribute point to Intelligence, I get one more skill point to add that level, but the next level i gain, I only get the default 1, and if I want to have more I'll have to add another attribnute point to Int again! Was this intended? Because I really think that the skill points given should be based on your intelligence value, not on the new intenilgence bonus :neutral:
It's not a bug, it's a feature.

Every extra point in a certain stat will have an immediate payoff.

Strength increases your hitpoints immediately by 1

Agility gives you 5 more weapon proficiency points, and makes you attack .5% faster.

Intelligence gives you one extra skill point

Charisma raises your party capacity by one.
hi me again,

i agree about the inconsistent use of the points for skills. with the int. what about a partial or % increase for instence: 1-10 points = 1 point for skill ups all points after 10 add .1 to the advancement such as 11 int = 1.1 so the .1 is left till next lvl when you will receive another 1.1 which will leave .2 to add to the next lvl. and of course if you ad a point you will go from 1.1 to 1.2 per lvl. short term the skill advance will be slight ly slower but will pick up momentum latter in the game.

now i know that at some point this can become unbalanced so there is the option of needing to add more points such as with the weapon proficencys. i would suggest a slow down at lvl 20 where you will need to add 2 points to recieve and additional .1 to the pool. so in progression 30 int you will need 3 points to gain .1, 40 int. you will need 4 points added to gain .1 etc. etc. imo :smile:
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