(0.623) I broke my Marnid.

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First of all, I just wanna say this is an awesome and very addictive game. I've paid full price for games which weren't anywhere near as fun as this.

Now onto Marnid.

He just kinda stands still in battles. No attacking, moving, nothing. I'm level 16, he's 10. It started a few levels ago but I'm not entirely sure when. If equipment could have anything to do with it I'll post a list of what he has. I've tried everything short of shooting him with an arrow to get him to move, including shooting him to death/unconsciousness.

He just went to level 11 as I was checking something before posting this and that didn't change anything.
It's no big deal 'cuz I kill most of the bad guys by myself, but it's just kind of annoying because he's taking up a space I could be using for other people or against really strong enemies.

Thanks a lot. If you need any specific details, lemme know.
Marnid and Borcha will do that in battle if you've equipped them with a weapon that they can't use - like a bow which they are not strong enough for. Try giving Marnid something that he can use, based on his weapon stats.
Btw, it is written in the FAQ. Read it before you ask! :smile:
However, I agree - it's rather illogical behaviour. I think that people who find themselves unarmed (no weapons, or run out of ammo) should either run around, evading enemy, or flee the field altogether (run to the edge of the map and disappear).
Does not sound like something that require ages to code... and current situation is a bug.
Yeah, it defintely is bug-like. I suggested a while ago that there should be a warning dialog when you give a party member a weapon that they can't use. Most people (including myself) don't think to compare a weapon's requirements to their party members' stats. Even after knowing about the issue, when I started a new game I gave Borcha a falchion (I think) when I first go him, and didn't notice that he was just standing around for quite a while. It's definitely an issue that needs to be addressed.
Well, the only equipment he has which even has a requirement is a horse with 1 riding. He has 2.
The other things are arrows, bolts, hide boots, linen tunic, and padded cloth. Pretty much his starting equipment. And I just realized I stole his weapon and forgot to replace it.
lol, he cant very well fight without a weapon... but it would be nice if they get some coding to run away or something instead of stand there.

Ive noticed similar behavior when I had borcha equipped with a bow and 3 stacks of arrows - he used all of them (on a big battle, he was on a hill firing arrows for a long time while I rode around lancing the dark knights, hehe). I started getting spammed with "Out of Arrows!", and I noticed borcha was just standing there jerking like he was having spasms.

Out of Arrows! *seizure* Out of Arrows! *seizure* Out of Arrows! *seizure* Out of Arrows! *seizure* Out of Arrows! *seizure*
TheMageLord said:
lol, he cant very well fight without a weapon... but it would be nice if they get some coding to run away or something instead of stand there.

Ive noticed similar behavior when I had borcha equipped with a bow and 3 stacks of arrows - he used all of them (on a big battle, he was on a hill firing arrows for a long time while I rode around lancing the dark knights, hehe). I started getting spammed with "Out of Arrows!", and I noticed borcha was just standing there jerking like he was having spasms.

Out of Arrows! *seizure* Out of Arrows! *seizure* Out of Arrows! *seizure* Out of Arrows! *seizure* Out of Arrows! *seizure*

Haha. Yeah, he suddenly resumed his ways of running into battles and taking all my damage again once I gave him a weapon. Yay!
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