0.623 Caravans and Alignment Errors

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space pope

If you attack a caravan for one particular side, your relations will improve with the parent faction. I'm swabian, and i attack vaegir caravans, which improves my relations with the vaegirs!
That works, but only to a point. Once you attack more caravans, your reputation with both the parent faction and the faction's caravans deteriorates further. You're right, it's still a bug, but not really a tremendous exploit.
I reported this a while back. Before it would say it decreased to a higher number, but now it says it increases. If you attack the caravan with all neutral factions it goes down - the problem lies when the caravans dont take into account your current faction, and just lower it based on how many caravans you have attacked.

I went from -23 or so to -5 from attacking my first vaegir caravan :smile:
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