(0.622) IE + messanger + game

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Master Knight
As it currently stands, on my computer I have two options when I turn it on...either play the game and not turn on IE or preferably MSN messanger or do that and not be able to play...

Cause if I start up IE and surf a bit, I can't start the game cause I then get a "this prog has performed an illegal operation bla bla bla" message...
If I start the game with MSN messanger running then the chance for the game crashing is really high (I guess if someone messages me, it's all over..I'll crash)

If I try and fire up IE after I played a game, I get a browser error message that refuses to go away.

Now, I dunno what it is, but I think the game messes something up in my rundll32.exe and possibly explorer files as well. Cause firing up either the game or IE will cause something that the other won't like at all. Only solution so far has been to totally reboot my computer each time I wanna chance from playing to surfing or vice versa...

I'm currently running on a:

1.4 GHZ ADM athlon
128MB ATI Radeon 9200
SB Live! Soundcard
512MB memory
OS: Win98SE

Might consider reformating the HD and reinstalling everything =
I used to have similar issues with other games back when i was running windows ME. The OS just seems to deteriorate over time. Provided this isn't game related, you may just try reinstalling windows first rather than format, usually fixes such problems.
Well, my HD is partitioned so...C drive is for OS only basically, so reformatting it wont be a big deal....reformat, reinstall windows and some other stuff and then move on from there...
Well, seems that MSN alone is a big problem...having both MSN and the game running will cause all sorts of crashes...either MSN dies or the entire computer dies...
Meh...I guess this game simply doesn't like Win98SE whatsoever...when running it, it will kill everything else that you try and run at the same time...other programs, browser, even explorer, effectively murdering the desktop...

Been tinkering about, and conclusion is: game doesn't like the OS the slightest. Start the game once, exit the game and starting the game doesn't work. Have MSN on at the same time and MSN will either just crash or everything will crash. It totally hates IE, cause when I try starting the game and choose one of the options (visit game site etc), IE crashes immediately, giving error messages that refuses to go away...and IE stays crashed afterwards too...

In all cases, reboot is the only option...

As long as the game runs one can't do anything at all whatsoever without causing a crash or error message...my suspicion that there's some serious mismatch going on in rundll32 or explorer.exe or in one of those important OS files that the game causes...
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