BEAST - Bannerlord Early Access Skirmish Tournament

BEAST is the first Bannerlord Skirmish tournament in Europe.

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? MEET THE TEAM: The Chide Village [TCV]

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MnB Comp took the time to speak to the Squirrel-driven team The Chide Village. After taking a break for not only one tournament they are now back to shake up the established teams. No-Life grinding the pickups appear to be their scheme to be steeled for Division B and everything it has to offer. We talked with Runcop, Cosimo and Beast about what TCV is and what their goals for BEAST 7 are.

The Chide Village is a name which does not give instantly a certain ring like the fancier names Deutschritter, Holy Inquisition, Destiny Masters, Keyboard Warriors, etc, which sound a bit more warlike. After looking it up it appears to be a village in Warband in the Kingdom of Swadia. Sounds similar like Istiniar and IG to me, as you are also defending that village. But why squirrels?! How did it come to be?
Chide started on the PK mod on warband in 2019 with a small group of friends since then it has grown into a massive group of friends (hate the word community) the players from tcv on bannerlord are only a small bit of chide a lot of the bois still play on warband which they prefer. I needed a name so I simply took one from the single player xd, I wanted a name which sounded okay and not to cringe, the whole thing about defending the village was basically a meme that we created through the years nothing really to it, with the squirrels I actually don't know where we first got the connection to them it just came out of no where and we kept with it. Ik a very cool backstory.

Can you tell us a bit about the roster you intend to send into BEAST 7? You appear to have recruited some new people next to the usual faces we know, CTH for example.
The last time we was in beast was beast 4 I believe and since then our roster has changed a bit to a more stronger state as we have become stronger as players individually since then as well as some new additions, we have the OG inf like Leon and Beast, as well as OG pajikoman coming back as our cav, with the new additions most of the new faces Cosimo/Demontime have been friends on warband for some years both was part of Chide on Warband and just decided to do the transition over recently, for Cosimo he has taken the role of Igl picking up the game very quickly and demontime or odin which we call him has came into bannerlord with currently 80 hours and doing very well at archery and even inf vs some B teams and Low A teams, Finally CTH joining was a good fit we needed a inf to fill in when we wanted to do 4,2 and CTH fit the role well he is the first "outsider" joining the team this season and he has fit in extremely well understanding banter etc

Your IGL, Cosimo has been reclaimed from Deutschritter Furor I believe. Can you tell us how the only known Italian in the scene next to Tom54p ended on the roster of “ze Germans” at all?
Runcop: I didn’t have any influence on it, it was Beast, tell us, how did he end up in DR?
Beast: Because he wanted to get some experience
Cosimo: They think I’m a damn racist. I just did make some racist jokes, it was the first game I was playing instead of pub skirmish, and yeah, we got stomped. It was Official.
Runcop: Yeah and you said “they’re **** man”
Cosimo: Yeah, I kinda said that, and yeah, it was DM and I was like “That’s all they can do”.

Do you think Cosimo is steeled for the IGL task now, as he has been leading so many pickups?
Runcop: I think the pickups didn’t help him IGL wise, completely. But what has helped him is the trainings we have done. He has learned really quickly and the team listens completely. Whatever Cosimo picks, Cosimo does. PickUps, ah, come on, it’s not helping. It’s not helping at all, since it’s based on the random selection of players.
Beast: He needs to learn flagplay and he also needs to press alt more. We almost lost twice on morale In official.

You guys are no-lifing grinders for the pickups and your infantry appears to be made of steel if we speak in Division B terms. Is playing pickups the way to improve?
Runcop: For me personally it’s been massive improvement as cav and inf, so I’d say yeah. Problem is, even in the low tier games you can get some improvement, but in the high tier games you can get the most improvement.
Cosimo: You can get improvement everywhere
Runcop: If you get ****ters like DonNeto, then you can give up.
Cosimo: But yeah, you can start from basics, pub skirmish, tdm, siege, then you can go pickups and duel. I was on TDM in the beginning.
Beast: If the balance is right on pickups, it’s good, otherwise it is a stomp.

So, you main Cav now, Runcop, how’s it been going? Do you just fill the spot because it’s needed or is it a project of passion to challenge the likes of, let’s name a couple (please cav ego’s, don’t get offended over me randomly naming ppl), troechka, Walker, Ghazi, Inspire, LaPache and Firunien long term?
Runcop: At the start it was out of requirement for the team, but I think it’s better for me to carry on doing it since we have right now a good inf roster and if we need five inf, I’ll just go inf. Most cav players can’t play inf at all. Right now it’s necessary and kind of a passion. But I suck in duels, that’s how it is.

Does playing Cavalry attributes to Ego boosting?
Runcop: Yeah it’s ton of ego boosting. Anyone would take cav players over inf players because of the amount of scores. But most of the score is stabbing inf in behind. People thinks there is no skill to cav, ,but there really is. If you’re a bad cav, you’re just going to get stomped.
Beast: There isn’t. I can trash u as cav, Runcop.

You already have completed three officials. How are your thoughts regarding the past matches?
Runcop: We expected way more from DM2. We trained a lot on that week “We really don’t wanna mess that up”. The result is strange; we didn’t expect to beat DM2 that easily. HINQ played decently for what they had. I think even these matches, even if we beat them quite well, we still are learning a lot as a team.

As of now you can be named one of the favorites in this Division. Do you think you can win against KW and go to A?
Runcop: Easily, yeah, easily. Unless KW step up their game I believe yes, however they might give us a challenge, a good fight. From the start of this season lost six rounds to DR2, which is surprising. They need to up their game.
Cosimo: They’re not a threat, not really.
Runcop: Ez stomp?
Cosimo: Everybody beats Death, he can win no duels. If their infantry is based on that.
Runcop: Will the inf let them down?
Cosimo: The cav is decent, the Infantry and Archer can let them down a bit.
Runcop: They have their IGL on archer and they look very disorganized due to that.
Cosimo: I mean, it’s evident, either they commit too much to protect him or he is left alone. A lot of people might think Division B teams are ****, but often there are players which are not committing 100% to the game, that is something the Division A teams do. A lot of the Division B teams is not playing 24/7. Half of the team does not commit for us outside the officials.
Beast: KW struggles against teams we have beaten easily; I doubt they’ll be much of a challenge. I think RMS is better than them.

Tell me about your archer, DemonTime, I never saw that name before in Bannerlord, you acquired him straight from Warband I heard?
Runcop: Yeah, he’s DemonTime. He was mainly Inf in Warband, he still plays Native and therefore does not commit 100%. He is filling the slot right now, as we need an archer.
Beast: Yeah, he played with us for ages in Warband.

Any favorite opponents for you so far in this Division and maybe outside of B?
Runcop: Right now DR1, the trainings with them. However, we have not learned that much with the Division B teams, there is a skill difference. However, with the DR1 Scrims we learn a lot there.
Beast: TCV

What do you think of the current balance of the game?
Cosimo: It’s not the worst; there are lot of games which have questionable balance in some sort or form. People sometimes complaint about a lot of things, but it’s not as bad as people make it to be. The current state of the game reminds me that Bannerlord is a better game than Warband, but people cannot get over Warband. Cav is sometimes a bit too op.
Runcop: They were OP in Warband as well with their damage output.
Cosimo: Oneshotting Heavy Infantry
Runcop: You could do that in Warband too though. It got a lot better with NIN3 taking it over.
Beast: Complete and utter ****fest. Damage is broken. Armors have no values and archer and cavalry have far too big an impact.
Runcop: I agree with Beast tho, the values have to be sorted.
Cosimo: Just some numbers though.
Beast: Light Inf dies exactly the same amount of hits as heavy inf, what is the point of heavy inf?
Cosimo: To look cool in it, that is obvious.
Runcop: Basic bottom line: Beast says no, Cosimo says yes, I say yes.

When is Beast going to start talking?
Cosimo: We ask ourselves that question every day.
Runcop: We have begged him from before we even played Bannerlord. He would be so much better a player than now, he could play more classes, he used a mic once a couple of years ago and then never again.
Beast: If Runcop grows up.
Cosimo: When was that though?
Runcop: Yeah, he said hello and then back to typing. Honestly bard, I do not know. He can’t be a kiddo though; no kid has that amount of money. “Oh, you bought a new monitor? Mine’s on the way!”

If there is something I noticed in interacting with you in pickups, it’s the fact that you guys appear to shoot against each other nonstop. Everyone roasts each other and calls the other trash or worse. I find it kind of hilarious, considering how stupidly hostile some people in this community are for rather no reason. Is that a reason why you are working well together?
Runcop: First, the roasting thing. If no one roasts you, you are not considered a friend. But I’d say because we are not “snowflakes”, we can take insults. It does help us, as a team. Because everyone is insulting each other but also can be serious. No one is being a kid, everyone takes it like a grown up.
Beast: Yeah, that’s true. Like first thing Runcop or Pod always say when they come to TS is cut out for the the sake decency
Runcop: Yes, insulting each other forms very great friendships.

Of course, you get a shot to roast someone like the others. Who shall it be for you? Who deserves a package from the squirrels?
Runcop: DonNeto is not 10.000 cavs in one.
Beast: Runcop smells like onion.
Runcop: That one is pathetic. Get a better one. Now.
Beast: Aprikosenmann thinks he’s God and acts like a 3-year-old. Anytime I see him, my blood pressure rises.

Anything I missed? Any message for our readers?
Runcop: Don’t be as trash/**** as Dextrus, thank you.
Beast: I hope you all succumb to a horri… I hope you all have a nice day!

Next up for the interviewing stand is Risen Manifest Silver, the second team of Risen Manifest!

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Le Roux
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Love insulting and get insulted by TCVs, always a good time.
If you have nothing to do, tell randoms to add Runcop for joining a clan.

Cool interview
This ‘Beast’ fellow used to go around telling people he is an Admiral in the German navy irl. Rather cringe that he won’t use his microphone, unless…
This ‘Beast’ fellow used to go around telling people he is an Admiral in the German navy irl. Rather cringe that he won’t use his microphone, unless…
Of course of course. I was in the German Navy for over 25 years to make me eligable for the Admiral's promotion. I am also known as the "Asskicker of Rhadaron" in case u wanted to know. @angry man
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