BEAST - Bannerlord Early Access Skirmish Tournament

BEAST is the first Bannerlord Skirmish tournament in Europe.

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? Meet the TEAM - Deutschritter Furor

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MnBComp talked with TheBard leader of one of the 2 Deutschritter clan teams for BEAST3.

Meet the TEAM - Deutschritter Furor [DR]

  • What is the history of Deutschritter?
"Originally founded on 28.09.2009, then carrying the name Teutonic Knights, the Deutschritter are the oldest German-speaking clan of the M&B scene, while also belonging to the oldest clans in general. “ Next to accepting our rule set, The Codex, it is mandatory to speak and understand German. We promote good behaviour before skill. It was formed during the early Beta of Warband initially and has been dissolved once in 2011 then reformed and dissolved 2012 again.​
Deutschritter for Bannerlord was reformed also in the Beta of Bannerlord by NoVa, SvÄn and later they also made TheBard clan leader. All three were already part of the first Deutschritter clan back in 2009/10. It has been founded and dissolved multiple times; this is the third iteration of this clan so to say. One can say this is a successor in idea and spirit to the old Warband-Clan of Deutschritter.​
While initially just a band of Deutschritter Veterans, we managed to recruit new people as well and now this clan is a vibrant melting pot of all social classes, featuring workers, students, apothecaries, soldiers, you name it, we probably have it. Our first team features many Deutschritter from Warband. TheBard, Firunien, Gotha, Tryerror, Dextrus for example all played in the Warband Clan nearly a decade ago. Deutschritter fields two teams and what would become Furor was formed for BEAST#1 as DR1. Furor means Fury in Latin. We decided to take the approach of Keyboard Warriors to give our teams a nickname starting with BEAST#2 after we have seen they gave their teams a nickname.​

  • How did the current roster for Bannerlord come together? Tell us about your players
Everyone but HypeZ has played Warband before, even though people did not really meet each other necessarily there.​
  • Dextrus: Our voice of reason, reborn as Spearman, lover of barley-brew and ‘Mr Detective’. He loves beer as much as Schnitzel and Bard and is one of our strongest infantry players. Dextrus also really, really loves maces.
  • Eder: Rather the silent type, most recent addition to the team. In Warband he was famous for his prowess in melee and infantry, in Bannerlord he now is on the horse. He is still puzzled with the introduction of what he calls “whale hunting devices” (ash throwing spears/Pila) but adapts to it. We expect a lot from him.
  • Firunien: One of the best cavalry players existing, but also deadly when playing dismounted as infantry. Firunien also recently became Second Captain of Deutschritter. Loves kickslashing, hates being thrown or shot at. He was also quite famous in Warband. Another Swabian Mafia dude. A “passionate” player, so he needs his smoking breaks like Bard.
  • Gotha: Underdog of the first duel tournament who faced Aprikosenmann in the finals. Since then, Gotha is known for his sword skills and his handling of 1v2 situations. Sadly he seems to get high blood pressure from playing the game, at least he claims that when the game pisses him off. He also likes to keep track if Vlandia is assigned fairly in Skirmish games and thinks there is a big conspiracy to that. He loves Vlandia. A lot.
  • HypeZ: Shock Infantry, mad dog, also able to ride a horse. Back in the Era of Crushthrough he loved abusing said mechanic from horse back with Menavlions. He will never lose his good mood even if the match goes south and he is our undisputed Clutch King. If he clutches awesomely again, he might even fall off his chair in excitement.
  • Junias: In love with his (cross)bow and “sexiest Deutschritter alive”. He also likes to kickshot, which gives Bard high blood pressure because of the risk involved. Designated Marksman of the squad, able to snipe from long distances. Has a girlfriend, which might distract him sometimes. He also is Swabian Mafia.
  • Schnitzel: Our Youngster in the team, he was promoted from Deutschritter Acedia into Furor for BEAST#2. He is also one of our archers, but also loves kickslashing. He is hybrid Archer/Infantry so to say. Another barley-brew lover who likes to play Bannerlord when drunk. Also, one of our players who will not stop laughing and having a good mood even when the situation in a match becomes dire.
  • Sir_Bugalot: Infantry and HypeZ’s best buddy, but sadly cannot really play that much for our team due to time concerns. Loves playing infantry, is rather the calculating player. Can also play Archer. Not vocative, but capable.
  • TheBard: Captain and Commander, Infantry and holds ranged weapons as contemptible as Artemeis. “Captain” can also be translated as “the poor chap who has to lead these band of trolls”. Another lover of the brew of barley. Some think his love for beer is alcoholism in disguise to prevent the mental breakdown from leading this team of trolls, but so far, he has been resilient. Sometimes he can lose his temper, but he has worked on that recently.
  • Tryerror: Cavalry, “Biggest Bot with a Beta tag” to quote Pacemaker, but also known for being the biggest weeb in the Deutschritter Clan. Follower of the Hairless’ initiative #inflivesmatter but is also quite greedy to obtain their equipment when the equip share commences at start of a round. He has a very methodical playstyle. He also handles internal trainings of the Deutschritter Clan. He was our second Ingame Lead and Vice-Captain next to Bard.

  • Who is the in-match commander and has this changed over time? What gives DR their strength?
TheBard is captain and commander of the team since before BEAST#1. If he is not around, Tryerror or Firunien take over leading if necessary. Deutschritter gets their strength out of their coordinated teamplay and methodical approach. If we can pull it off and our infantry formation works, there are few who can withstand this pressure if Deutschritter Roadrolling begins. Unfortunately, we were not able to shine with it in this season.​

  • What would you say are the main elements of DR playstyle? What are you looking to improve for the next tournament?
Infantry being the anvil and cavalry being our hammer. We observed the way Destiny Masters employ their infantry and TheBard was adamant that we need to adapt to this. We value cohesion of our infantry, map control and most important cornerstone of our playstyle, coordinated teamplay. If we have a weakness, it’s our employment of archery. And that is what we strive to improve for the next tournament. One might say that Furor is a fitting name for this playstyle.​

  • DR have completed all their matches, tell us about your tournament
And we were the first one to finish all the matches! This tournament has been not a good one for us if the results are concerned, partially because of matchups and factions (which become certainly more a factor in Div A then in any other Division) but also because our performance in this tournament has been… questionable to say the least.​
We finally had our official with Destiny Masters after not facing them directly for two tournaments, the undisputed titans of this scene and also a team which we consider our friends and hold in very high regard. We never stood a real chance, but finally it has been done and getting smashed by our Polish friends is nothing to be ashamed off.​
Many officials were very tight, especially the one with HINQ where victory eluded our grasp by one round. Nevertheless: HINQ deserved the draw, they played well and were able to withstand our pressure, we were not able to strike them down and that’s it.​
KW Light was able to defeat us this tournament yet again, even though we were undefeated by them in the last tournament. This is also something we always enjoy, the duels with Keyboard Warriors are most fun for us, especially since their style is different from our approach.​
If I’d name „annoyances“ it’s archers like Popowicz, Alim or Riflex, which blow out our players from long distances before we can close in. Pacemaker made a couple strong moves by striking solo into the back of our formation in DR v RM.​

  • What are DR hoping for from the next beast?
We actually did not really play well in this tournament, so we look to improve on that. We hope that the high quality of administration continues and that we will perform better in the next tournament.​

  • Do you expect the teams in div A to change due to promotion matches?
aD and KW Dark both have a decent shot at staying in Division A and we wish both teams best of luck to prove that. If a team of Division B manages to defeat them, we wish them best of luck in the „Shark Tank“ of Division A.​

  • What has been your most memorable event in Bannerlord so far?
BEAST in general. Washing out the loss in QF BEAST#1 against KW Light with a winning 4-0 in Week 1 BEAST#2. The match against Fortune the next week is memorable because it was an intense duel between two strong teams.​



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Le Roux
I do like that you went ahead with the Swabian mafia bit, it's just way too accurate.
Special thanks to the administration for doing these interviews during the season, it's a nice addition to the tournament.
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