?Bannerlord event organising

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Greetings, everyone! Today we announce the launch of our group in the TaleWorlds forum, where we will be actively discussing everything related to the Bannerlord events. We've chosen the forum for several reasons:

1) Discussions in the forum are usually conducted in a more formal manner, which will help reduce the amount of unrelated posts.
2) We want the developers to be able to assess the size of the audience that is interested in large events, which in the end may expedite the release of the "battle" mode as well as give an additional argument for continuous development of the multiplayer as a whole.
3) A large user/player base, which will assist us in our endeavour.

Currently there is still a lack of providable, useful matereal, therefore we hope for your active participation in contributing to the group by submiting your practical suggestions, ideas and information. So join us and do not forget to invite your friends and clanmates.

Bannerlord event organising
  • Closed Group
  • 58
  • 11
  • 7
The goal of this group is to increase the popularity and interest of the community in various events, as well as to improve their overall quality. We invite you to join in the collaborative development of rules and templates for theme design.
We'd like to remind you that our group has a calendar of events, which will be useful not only for organisers, but also for regular players. You can see the schedule of events before the event promoting threads are up, and receive special notifications if you're a member of our group. We ask event organisers to add planned events on the condition that the developers have already confirmed server availability at the specified date and time.
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