SP - Player, NPCs & Troops ⚔️IMPROVED combat⚔️

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So this would be a great add into the game you don't have to add a crazy combat system where they go do finishers or something but you can add like they attack at the same time and one of them will swing the sword and another will push the other sword out with there own sword and hit them
So this would be a great add into the game you don't have to add a crazy combat system where they go do finishers or something but you can add like they attack at the same time and one of them will swing the sword and another will push the other sword out with there own sword and hit them

Bannerlord's combat improved | Full video- The Dream Game: What Bannerlord Could be @JackSather / Jack Sather
Bannerlord's combat improved | Full video- The Dream Game: What Bannerlord Could be @JackSather / Jack Sather

As he said you can do those finishers if you want they are pretty cool but same with parrying that would look cool to in game
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