♔51st (Yorkshire West Riding) Reg't of Foot♔[Light Infantry][Recruiting EU/NA!]

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With luck i should be around tomorrow in the time region of 12ish to 4ish then hopefully have the rest of the week free, see you lads shortly :smile:
Sorry for not being around, as I said I am sadly still very busy and I am about to leave for a 72 hour hike in Wales so wish me luck
Giorgianni said:
We gonna have training/Linebattle this weekend? I really am itching to fight others.

the plan for staurday is for me and murphy to train as best we can then we will discuss about a possible linebattle, murphy's computer is messed up at the moment so i'll be more than happy to set up a linebattle it will be the usual time of 6:30 :smile:
Fact is, my computer is bollocks. I'll hopefully be back on Tuesday though. I believe on Saturday you chaps will be attending Crusaders event if I'm not wrong.

God I hate typing on phones.

Lots of love,
Well, large storm is supposed to come together with another storm, with a large tide due to a full moon, that coming to my new jersey area, Hurricane Sandy there calling this *****, so if i don't have power for a couple of days, or if worse comes to worse, rest of the week, don't get mad haha  :grin:
Got back from a short holiday yesterday and steam cant connect to my internet for some reason, so I cant play any steam games online or use steams online features :sad:
Hope to be able to use them again soon
Well I still have no power, using brothers phone, this was much worse then expected. I miss you guys.  Be back soon.
at library, snowing a little now. pretty bad storm, much worse at beech areas. getting power back this week at least.

Still freezing and have snow, **** this weather, but powers back
Hey chaps,

The 51st will be returning to a town near you on the 1st of January. All officers have been busy with life recently, and it is only in the new year that we feel that we can dedicate time to this again.

Merry Christmas!
In-Game Name: Cypher
Steam Name (required): :sad: sorry don't have steam and will be okay if I can't join because of it
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Are you able to download Teamspeak3? (required): Yes
Will you be active: Yes
What is your age?: 16 and can be serious
Experience in Napoleonic Wars: Played a few times now, but not a linebattle yet

Hoping to join, and if the steam thing is a problem then yea it's okay :grin:
Banner compliance? I didn't know there was an issue! SHows how little I know :lol: and Cypher, recruitment is to be opened again soon after Christmas, should you still express the interest to join us.
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