windows 7

  1. Closed Server Login Issue (Windows 7)

    Summary: Hello Taleworlds staff. I have been having trouble logging into multiplayer for a few months now and continuously get this screen below. I wanted to wait a couple of months first to see if any patches may resolve my issue, but I have had no luck unfortunately. Other things I have...
  2. Mount and Blade Warband çalışmayı durdurdu

    Merhaba,ben steam'den oyunu aldım ama her oyuna giriş yaptığımda çalışmayı durdurdu hatası çıkıyor çoğu şeyi denedim:Oyunu silip yeniden yükledim,yerel dosyaları doğruladım,mb2 warband klasörünü sildim,yönetici olarak çalıştırdım,directX7 sürümüne aldım,pixel shaderları kapattım,dikey...
  3. Resolved Memory leak: RAM does not unload after simulation (battles, visiting cities, villages etc.)

    Memory leak: RAM does not unload after simulation (battles, visiting cities, villages etc.) How to Reproduce: Record ram usage while entering/exiting several battles, see media. Media: Applies to versions Public: e1.0.5 - e1.0.10 Beta: e1.1.0 Alpha: n/a Computer Specs OS: Windows 7 ultimate SP1...
  4. Will Windows 7 compatibility ever be optimized?

    I bought the game, just to find out that wasn't playable on windows 7. I could not access the Multiplayer, it always gave me a "Failed to login" message, I searched the problem online and this seems to be an issue with many (if not all) Windows 7 users. Then I go to the singleplayer and I...
  5. Count Rugel

    Closed Crash on Launch Win7 SP1 x64

    Good day to technical support. I have been trying to solve this problem since day 1. I've tried updating everything (as that was said by community manager in Steam threads), switching languages, re-installing, trying other files but still I'm unable to launch the launcher. It just crashes. I...
  6. TheJollyCanadian

    Operating system discussion thread - Issues with Windows 7

    Reading through the forum it seems a lot of windows 7 users are having trouble login in to the multiplayer and running the game in general. Some of you might not like windows 10 but it's a new game engine and most hardware drivers are optimized for windows 10. If you're having troubles with...
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