wife death

  1. Can I use console commands on PS4?

    Is there any way I can use console commands on PS4? I married Lilizha when she was 24, after four years she gave me two children but it's been eight years since the last child was born. Because of her age now, I expect that I will not be able to have any more children with her. I have enabled...
  2. Ananda_The_Destroyer

    Only game I didn't want to kill the wives, my wife died in child birth!

    Playing a short Grandpa sandbox game as 50 year old MC, for once I wasn't going to kill off my wife but she died only on my second child! I'm not save-reloading this game so I lost my tournament gear I won her and the 7k rust executioners axe I got of a Jammal lord, was a very rare surprise...
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