wanderer clan

  1. Ananda_The_Destroyer

    1.7.2 Beta "It is no longer possible to grant a fief that has an ongoing ownership vote" Is that so? No, and that's a good thing IMO.

    I have found this fix in the 1.7.2 patch notes to be incomplete. Although the game does sometimes prevent you from using a newly captured fief to promote a new clan during the temporary ownership given the ruler, it seems to me saving and re-loading the game allows you to give it away to make...
  2. Ananda_The_Destroyer

    I finished a long campaign at day 1811 in 1.6.4/5 beta, just some thoughts about it.

    First, making wanderers into new Clans is a great ability and IMO has improved the player faction gameplay a lot. It's almost like a anti-bull:poop: button because no matter what other weird and unpleasant stuff the games diplomacy/relation/election/economy does, you can at least get a new clan...
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