the application ran into a problem.

  1. Resolved Launcher hatası alıyorum daha sonra ...

    TaleWorlds.Native.dll sorunu yaşıyorum "uygulama bu sorunu çözmek için gerekli dosyaları toplamamız gereken bir sorunla karşılaşma" ne yaptıysam olmadı. Bana destek olabilir.OYUN BİR SÜRE AÇILIYOR GİBİ MOUSE GELİYOR DAHA SONRA APP CRASH HATASI VERİYOR .
  2. King Henry of Britonnia

    Resolved Walking around town is causing crashes again. It's fine in villages but not in cities/castles nor towns.

    This bug has returned. I don't know how but I can't walk around towns, cities and castles anymore. Please fix this asap!!! I do have mods enabled but the mods never caused any issues of walking around towns, cities and castles. Villages are totally fine so idk what is up.
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