texture missing

  1. Death_Dealer

    Closed Rough tied bracers have missing color

    Summary: The fold on rough tied bracers missing the base color. How to Reproduce: Equip rough tied bracers in armory. Battanian Fiann can wear both rough tied bracers and rough tied boots for comparison.
  2. ButtonSmasherr

    Resolved Textures missing in Dunglanys

    Summary: Texture error in the city Dunglanys How to Reproduce: Just do a battle on Dunglanys map Have you used cheats and if so which: No Scene Name (if related): Dunglanys City Siege Media (Screenshots & Video): Computer Specs: OS: Win11 GPU: 2060RTX GPU Driver Version: Up-to-date CPU: i7...
  3. Closed Texture bug Battle map

    Summary: Snow is black, some other maps the texture on the ground seem to be the same all over, as in riverbed were painted in grass. How to Reproduce: Have you used cheats and if so which: No Scene Name (if related): Media (Screenshots & Video): and Computer Specs: OS: Windows 10 Home...
  4. Resolved various texture errors

    Summary:I experience a lot of texture bugs in the game I have them for several versions of the game, I don't know how to get rid of them. below gives 4 examples (all 4 photos were taken during the 5 minute game I don't even want to check what will happen next) I just downloaded the game but I...
  5. Closed Game freezes completely on sandbox character creation.

    Summary:I can create my character appearance, but as soon as I go to pick the backstory and childhood options, the textures for the parents don't load. If I click between different opitions, the parents disappear completely. When I pick who my character's parents were, on the next page I can't...
  6. Resolved Mesh Editor texture are not in the atlas

    总结:我导入了我的模型和一些贴图,进入游戏大地图页面开始提示Texture XXX不在图集中,准备退出战场时崩溃了 如何复制:导入我的模型和一些纹理 具体工具:改装套件,atcmod 媒体 (截图和视频):word: 更新贴花图集 X 纹理: mainmap_ 贴花村。d ground_土壤b_n 贴花制作。_小麦农场_d 贴花生产小麦农场 n 不在地图集(世界地图)中,您想创建一个新的地图集吗? 总是更新更新 总是忽略 ) lgnore 电脑规格:r7000 2020 操作系统:win10 显卡: GPU驱动程序版本: 中央处理器: 内存: 母板: 存储设备(HDD/SSD):
  7. Resolved [1.6.2] Epicrotea Bridge Texture Issue

    Summary: Epicrotea on the campaign map has a missing texture where a bridge should be. See image below where the bridge connects to the tower in the river.
  8. Spartan3663

    Closed Missing Water in Rivers

    Summary: Hey, my first post on the forums. All of the rivers in my game have no water. Any large body of water is still there (ie. lakes and the ocean) but rivers are empty. It may also be worth noting that I have been experiencing this problem for a couple of versions. How to Reproduce: Not...
  9. stefan_andrei_28

    Resolved Floting torches in dungeon in Revyl

    In Revyl, in the lowest part of the dungeon, I've found a missing wall with 2 toches and a broom floating in tin air with no regards to gravity rules. The textures for the door's pillars and upper sill are also missing. Here is a screenshot: https://app.box.com/s/fhvpxmaj7k0i9va9ah2wcyh02m8oyc8h
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