texture bugs

  1. Kaladin_Stormblessed

    Closed Towns, villages not loading. Whenever I enter any open world place I see nothing but hear everything. Map works fine. Hud shows.

    Summary:Towns, villages not loading. Whenever I enter any open world place I see nothing but hear everything. Map works fine. Hud is showing. How to Reproduce: everytime i play Have you used cheats and if so which: no Scene Name (if related): towns villages camps tutorial Media (Screenshots &...
  2. Bullero

    In Progress Scene Editor Some more stuff to fix in 1.7.2 related to scene editor

    fern a - flora entity have wrong mesh/texture prefabs have wrong textures in preview menu, you can see that Adam is striped for some reason Same problem with materials preview If I will find anything else, gonna report here
  3. Spartan3663

    Closed Missing Water in Rivers

    Summary: Hey, my first post on the forums. All of the rivers in my game have no water. Any large body of water is still there (ie. lakes and the ocean) but rivers are empty. It may also be worth noting that I have been experiencing this problem for a couple of versions. How to Reproduce: Not...
  4. YouMoMCallME

    Resolved A little bit of texture Bugs

    A little bit of texture Bugs Texture Bugs https://ibb.co/7VvJQLY https://ibb.co/j9tHCPB https://ibb.co/QHC3nRt Item Names https://ibb.co/CJ7VBt6 BETA 1.5.1 Full Ultra Settings Steam Version No Mods Computer Specs: Win 10 gtx 1080 i7 9700k 16gb ASRock Z390 Phantom Gaming 4S SSD 500 GB
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