
  1. Lexxe

    In Progress Persistent stuttering in multiplayer

    Summary: Since about over a year ago, I started having significant stutter issues in multiplayer (I haven't tried Singleplayer). Prior to that, I was able to run high settings and have no FPS drop. I've had to downgrade to low settings since then, which hasn't solved the stuttering, or even...
  2. Closed Campaign map traveling stutters every 2 seconds

    I am having an issue that just became noticeable when I logged into my game today. Every time I travel or just hit the play button on the world map it stutters every two seconds. An earlier save revealed the stutter was there but wasn't as dramatic. So it has progressively gotten worse somehow...
  3. Closed Freeze/Stutter during battle

    Summary: 1.9 improved battle performance overall for me, more fps and less fps drops/stutters. However battles now freeze for 1-3 seconds totally instead (which didn't happen before), it seems when the AI decides for new tactic. I.e when they decide to route, and then if new reinforcements spawn...
  4. Resolved Constant stuttering

    Summary: The game randomly stutters every few seconds. Makes it infuriating and borderline unplayable. How to Reproduce: / Have you used cheats and if so which: / Scene Name (if related): / Media (Screenshots & Video): Computer Specs: OS: Windows 10 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti GPU Driver...
  5. Resolved Game stutters and freezes with high end pc

    Summary: So, I have terrible freezes and stutters while playing on the campaign map. Sometimes I get like 10/15 sec freezes and it's making me wanna quit the game. I used to have only one mod (better time) to skip up the time quickly and now I have more mods (diplomacy, realistic combat...
  6. FluffyFeather

    Closed 1.7.2 Patch update stuttering

    Summary: Playing multiplayer siege/tdm/battle/skirmish stutter every 5-10 seconds for a short period of time. This occurs mainly on siege/tdm where there's a lot of players. By stutter, I mean you can visibly see that you had like 5FPS/sec and come back to normal. It feels pretty consistent, as...
  7. Closed Really Bad Lag when opening Menus (Clan menu, Trade menu) except battles

    Summary: So basically the game runs perfectly fine until I reach a town or something, then when I click on the town and open the menus I get severe lag. When I open up more menus in a town, it just starts lagging more. I'm not sure what's happening and I play on epic games(Only since it was on...
  8. nereid

    Resolved [1.5.3] Short freeze after leaving town or village

    Hi, after leaving any town or village the game will freeze for one or two seconds. The sounds plays on normally but you can't click anywhere and no movement will happen.
  9. Andrei[beast]

    Resolved [e 1.5.2] Same stuttering and weird freezing

    I'm experiencing this sice i bought the game like 4 months or so and i'm sick of the stuttering at this point It is only happening on the campaign regardless of the battle size that i choose or the graphics and the bad part is that it runs smoothly on the custom battle (not 500v500 battles...
  10. Closed In Battle: Game stutters whenever more than 256 Audio sources are selected

    Summary: Whenever I try and up the audio sources in my game, the game starts to stutter, microfreezing every 10 seconds or so How to Reproduce: Set Audio Sources to higher than 256 Settings menu. Happens in both tournaments as well as all other scenery. Version: (1.4.2) issue was apparent in all...
  11. World Map Stutter

    hey anyone out there know of a fix for stutter on world map? my pc specs are cpu- I7-9700k @ 5ghz, gpu- Asus strix 2080s OC ram-32gb 3200mhz hdd- corsair m510 nvme 980gb
  12. Resolved Massive Lag During Siege Battles

    Summary: I am getting an unplayable amount of lag during siege battles, and I have only been experiencing this amount of lag only in siege battles. I everything would be running fine, the troops are pushing the siege equipment to the walls. Then once the gate and ramps go down, troops start to...
  13. Closed Stutters/Screenfreezes || Siege || 500-1000 battle size ||

    Dear dev team, First off I've been having a blast with the game sofar, love the pace of the patches and fixes coming out. Keep up the great work! So since the new update, native patch I've been having problems fighting out town siege battles. (Castles appear to be fine) Prior to...
  14. Closed Game stutters/freezes since last week.

    Summary: In short, the game started to freeze/stutter after a patch last week (I can't recall which patch) to the point that makes the game unplayable. Happens especially during combats. I know my specs are old and low. However, the pc runs many other games with similar or higher requirements...
  15. Lornloth00

    Resolved Launcher causing low FPS, .exe more stable but no mods

    I have good FPS through Bannerlord.Native.exe or Bannerlord.exe but if I run the game throught the launcher the game is unstable and FPS is very low and the game lags on the title screen, on custom battle and in the single player game. Running the game through Bannerlord.Native.exe or...
  16. Closed High shadows cause stutter, even with shadows disabled!

    For the most part this game runs fine for me, but there is stutter in specific places. In some places it is catastophic, others it's more like microstutter. I've included a video download link, that should make this pretty clear. It happens only with shadow quality on high or above, even with...
  17. Closed Freezing and stuttering during large battles, game freezes for 30-40 seconds, plays normally, then freezes again

    Hi All, I have a gtx 2070, I7 3770 K, and 8 gigs of ram. Game runs flawlessly, however since the last patch I have been getting these strange stutters only in large battles. The stutters last for about 30 seconds and happen at random. The game locks up and after 30 seconds it resumes with no...
  18. Performance Issues since Latest Patch (e1.0.4)

    Bought the game on launch and struggled with a few minor FPS drops/Stutter issues, usually when initially entering combat the game would lock up and stutter quite badly and then iron itself out, running smooth until the end of the fight (The drops usually start when charging an enemy/first point...
  19. Closed Unplayable Performance

    Hello , so the problem is the game is running really weird on my pc to the point it is unplayable. It stutters like crazy almost everywhere except the overall map in Campaign where it becomes somewhat playable, but in battles it stutters to the unplayable levels everytime 2 armies are clashing...
  20. Laggy / Stuttery since new hotfix e1.0.1.

    Hello everyone, I could play pretty normally yesterday, apart from a few crashes here and there. (I couldn't send the crash reports either). I updated the hotfix yesterday and went to bed as I was tired. Now I started up the game and the fps / stuttering is there from the moment I start the...
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