
  1. Open Problem with OBS

    HEY. I launched Mount and Blade on Steam and everything was fine until I wanted to start a live broadcast for my friends. When I launched obs, the game screen froze and when I restarted it and clicked load the game, a C++ error appeared and the game closed or the screen froze and I couldn't do...
  2. Hago stream de PE :)

    Hey buenas! A veces hago stream de Persistent Empire, unirse si quereis disfrutar de batallas epicas Soy nolicus en Twitch :D Gracias!
  3. Gotha

    [BNL4] Streams & Vods

    Feel free to advertise your tournament related Streams and Vods here.
  4. Resolved EULA and Warband streaming

    Hello, :iamamoron: My first threat on forum! Did Mount & Blade Warband have some restrict for streaming on platform Twitch , or for publishing content on Youtube - like a video? I start streaming and playing Warband , on my Twitch channel , also i making content on Youtube. On Youtube i use my...
  5. Juicyfer

    SP - General Cheats

    I'm currently trying out different builds. However, I'm streaming the game and have no access to installed files(engine_config.txt) to inset 'cheat_mode = 1'. I figur the audience for game-streaming will grow, and ask for the possibility to enable/disable cheat in the launcher -like Warband. -...
  6. SoulPlayYouTubeRU

    [1.5.2] OBS Studio cannot see the game (black screen)

    1.5.2 OBS Studio cannot see the game (black screen) Windows 10 x64 PRO. Any other games are fine. Prior to this update, OBS Studio was capturing everything fine. Window capture compatibility with anti-cheat tried to enable / disable - does not help. Video card: RTX 2080 Capturing the...
  7. When did i learn to aim? I remember missing every shot (stream highlight)

    This is the highlight of today's stream on Skirmish.
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