
  1. CallmeWayne

    In Progress Cannot gain XP

    Summary: After long grind of my steward skill I came to ultimate stop of not being able to get 275th skill of it. It has stopped at 274. I think 6INT should be enough for me go gain it. No I am not using any mods that would modify skill or xp gain. May need to do so tho. Suggestion:Get rid of...
  2. CptMuppet

    In Progress Perks which decrease party food consumption also decrease, and even might stop completely, Steward xp gains.

    Summary: Hello, I have found a potential bug/design issue. Steward xp gains are based on party food consumption which leads to slower Steward leveling if party leader and quartermaster have food-consumption-decreasing perks. Especially the last one in Steward skill tree which makes leveling...
  3. SP - UI Display character role modifiers in party assignment screen

    I know this info is somewhat available in the character screen, where it looks nice and clean within each category. Would it be possible to add some of this info about how a character assigned to scout/steward/surgeon/engineer modifie the party? It would help with knowing just what’s happening...
  4. foredeekay

    SP - General Proposed Mechanics for City / Castle Governance

    Proposed Castle Mechanics Hello - having castles is great but I do feel like they just act as places to dump troops when not at war. There doesn't seem to be a lot of character to them atm, which is a pity because they look fantastic! Anyway, I was thinking about a few options which might make...
  5. ileboii

    SP - General Lord's Council - More interactive followers

    I thought that the current follower system is kinda barebones. You can't really do anything with them, except gain passive buffs for your party, until your main hero gets some skills, or send them to a few quests. Then I thought that in Crusader Kings II you could assign your own council that...
  6. Quanaril

    Steward (İdarecilik) Hata Raporu

    Steward/İdarecilik yetenek ağacındaki aşağıda belirtilen perkler çalışmıyor. 100 Skill puanında açılan "Bannerlord" perki: Sahip olduğunuz her tımar için +2 parti boyutu 200 Skill puanında açılan "Kahya" perki: +1 yoldaş 250 Skill puanında açılan "Hükümdar" perki: Sahip olduğunuz her şehir için...
  7. Resolved Companions gain no stewardship experience as governors

    Title says most of it. Despite buildings being built, the prosperity being increased and (massive) amounts of money being in the reserve, my companions that I have set as governors have not received a single point of experience in "Steward" over an extended period of time. Be advised, in both...
  8. maxoverload91

    Resolved [e1.0.2] Steward Perks don't work (Most perks don't work)

    I've taken two steward perks that should give me, as clan leader, bonus influence (Supreme Authority and Prominence). However, neither of them seem to do anything. My current influence gain is +3: +4 from notables because the kingdom I'm in has Council of the Commons as a policy and I have a...
  9. Prominence perk in Steward tree not working

    The "Prominence" perk that is supposed to give you +1 influence as a vassal does not work, and does not give any influence.
  10. Resolved [BUG] Prominence level 50 Steward perk does not give +1 influence as stated on the description.

    When selecting the perk Prominence under Steward level 50 before joining any kingdom, Player will not get the +1 influence when becoming a vassal as stated on the description.
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