
  1. Lesbosisles

    In Progress [Beta 1.1.0] Projects seem to have no effects on the settlement's stats

    Summary: It seems that projets, such as Housing, Irrigation etc., have absolutely no effect on the settlement's stats, such as Loyalty, Prosperity and so on - they all remain unaffected. How to Reproduce: Try switching the projects and see if it has any effect on at least one of the settlement's...
  2. Resolved Server stats for custom servers

    Hello, maybe it's not the best forum to post my question. But is it possible to allow custom stats tracker for custom servers? For example you can add some config line with an url of the webhook and after each round the server will post simple JSON data (user login / kills/ deaths) to this...
  3. SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Bring back stats and lock the highest difficulty

    Its something Warband have is overall stats like how many you kill ect... , they could add that stuff to player on campaign not just for the character but for the all campaign player ( beginning to end ) They could add lock the difficulty when player choose Bannerlord difficulty, it will be more...
  4. AoC

    Need More Info Official server's player stats incorrect

    Summary: Official server's player stats incorrect. When maps end and you quit, they frequently don't update. It's infuriating, i play TDM and they are not updating so i have incorrect stats, like probably every other player in the game. For example last game i went 45-12, nothing special, but...
  5. Tackier

    SP - General Game Balance/Economy/Player-Builds.

    This post is a general suggestion list regarding the Singleplayer experience from a player with around 300 hours into the game without mods.This is certainly one of my favorite games and I hope the information I provide is useful for gameplay updates added in the future. It is seperated into two...
  6. DeathBG

    Resolved Stats don't update when you click to see someone's profile in MP.

    Summary: The new feature does the update the kills and assists of the players. It works only for the 1st profile you visit. Then the rest of the profiles you click on will have the kills and assists of the 1st profile you visit. How to Reproduce: You click on a profile and then it will save up...
  7. Joe Friday

    Absurd Horse Armour Stats?

    So, I was swapping out my brother's armour and was thinking of rewarding him with a Pureblood mount I got as loot after a fight. I then noticed the stats on his Scale Barring horse armour. I think I would have noticed these high stats before but they read as the following: Worth 114277 Weight...
  8. Medivhtratos

    Resolved Wrong Unit/Troop stats

    So this is just a little bug, but at least it is one :smile: Some Units doesn´t have the "right" stats, regarding their type Still, best example: Battanian Oathsworn(Infantry) Skill: 130 Riding, 80 Athletics Aseri Veteran Faris(Horse Skirmisher) Throwing: 80 => Aserai Faris, one Tier lower...
  9. SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Player and NPC Attributes

    Attributes. Currently they're a bit dull - you get one attribute every three levels and besides increasing the learning limit of their governing skills they don't really do a whole lot to justify that level of rarity. Especially when there's perks that are dedicated to give you one of these...
  10. Player Campaign Stats

    Hello everyone and hopefully Taleworlds. Im the kind of gamer that really likes to get invested within games and how you progress through them. With that being said, I would like to see a system that tracks your game actions such as: kills deaths Player soldiers lost/killed Castles Sieged...
  11. Lornloth00

    SP - UI Troop tree equipment stats.

    Can we get a peak at the equipment and equipment stats in the troop trees please? We can get more insight if we can see what types of clothing, armor, weapons and horses each unit uses. This would help a lot and it has always bugged me.
  12. Caps

    In Progress Wrong Movement speed value

    Version [1.2.1] At the moment the base movement speed gets displayed. But the weight has a huge impact and changes that value completly. So in the end it just displays the wrong value. There are several benefits of fixing that problem: It will be easier for players to compare units. It will be...
  13. Rwemix

    BL Eleftheroi/ Oath Keeper (bug ?)

    Bonjour, récemment j'ai recommencé une partie avec des mods, au bout d'un moment j'ai croisé le fer avec certaines factions mineurs mais elles ne ressemblaient plus du tout à mes précédentes parties, les eleftheroi ressembles désormais à des nomades random avec des stats nul de chez nul (cumul...
  14. nuekboi

    SP - General Some perks need a rework. Every perk should provide a noticeable change and not just a tiny percentage stat boost

    By and large, the perk system is pretty good (minus the fact that it doesnt work right now, but still). There are two main issues with it I have ATM 1. Too many tiny percentage stat boosts, especially early on in weapons skills. 1.5% more damage with two handed weapons is pointless as a perk...
  15. Vitold I

    MP For game creators!!!

    I propose to add a widget (forum) for the profile in the form of statistics in the game! It will be interesting and a little motivation. LIKE this:
  16. GG Cannon

    Wrong stats in Jawwal units

  17. Long Padded Robe weight set to 22.3

    Version: 1.0.10 The armour item " Long Padded Robe " has a set weight of 22.3 (I guess instead of 2.3). That makes your char really encumbered while he should actually only wearing light armour. cheers
  18. cihanaytunc

    Trading with a lord

    It would be great to see the stats of items while trading.. And maybe chance of success of trade? Thanks, regards..
  19. Resolved Bug Encounter - Equipment stat comparison

    Checked known issues and couldn't find this on the list, encountered today. Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but here goes; Summary: Equipment will no longer show comparison of stats (green or red highlight indicating higher or lower value) in shops or in inventory after...
  20. andycott

    Question. Does tactic stat matter for companions/lords?

    So if it really matters, than generic tactician companions are much better for the role of secondary parties than any other, because they will have a bigger chance in winning battles. It's logical that it should be this way, but does it work as intended? If not, will it?
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