starting new game

  1. yannis390

    In Progress Texture Editor Strange bug that breaks some banners when a new save is started

    So I currently have this strange bug, and I'm not sure if it is being caused by my module. My module does introduce new banners for every clan, but only like 4 of them are being affected by this strange bug. Here's how it's recreated: 1. Launch Bannerlord 2. Start a new save 3. Game loads fine...
  2. PixAL

    Need More Info Main menu - Crash on new campain

    Summary: Crash from ingame main menu How to Reproduce: From main menu - starting a new campain = crash / starting sandbox mode = infinite loading screen Have you used cheats and if so which: None Scene Name (if related): Media (Screenshots & Video): Full details below Computer Specs: OS: windows...
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