southern empire

  1. Armies of the Southern Empire never start the assault during sieges

    Beta e1.5.4 I am a lord of the Southern Empire and after the newest patch our armies under the command of any AI lord (it doesn’t matter if i am in or not) never start an assault during sieges. They are just waiting, building siege engines, until most of the soldiers starve to death and then...
  2. SP - World Map Creating a boat/ferry system connecting Southern Kingdom and Aserai

    I do not like how far I have to travel around to reach Aserai, especially for trade. I think it would be a good system to have a ferry connecting the cities of Qasira and Vostrum or maybe to the island in the middle which could be a neutral faction that has docks on both sides that connects the...
  3. Hank_the_Tank

    Resolved 1.5.0 Southern Empire defeated with 6 cities remaining

    I'm currently doing a Battania play-through and had just defeated the Northern and Western Empires. I declared war on the Southern Empire and took Poros, one of their 7 remaining cities. Shortly after that, the Southern Empire surrendered and turned over all 6 cities to Battania and their nobles...
  4. BlueFreddyYumYum

    Resolved Empire destroyed. Later Southern Empire came back with Rhagea as their leader but she is a vassal in my own kingdom. Empire can't be destroyed anymore

    I destroyed the Empire. Later the Southern Empire came back but Rhagea is a vassal in my own kingdom. She is the leader of the Soutern Empire at war with my kingdom and a vassal in my own kingdom at the same time (she still acts as a vassal in my kingdom, not my ennemy). Southern Empire...
  5. e7paul

    XIIIth Тагма [RU]

    XIIIth тагма будет рада приветствовать новых игроков, для которых красивая игра и командная работа важнее, чем личный скилл. Клан имеет долгую историю. Основанный в первые дни появления Mount & Blade как сетевой игры, клан существует до сих пор. Основные требования к кандидатам: адекватность...
  6. 3OA_KutayK

    Closed Executing Tharos crashes the game

    What the title said. I captured Tharos and 2 more Southern Empire Lords, Executed the other 2 without a problem, but when I execute Tharos it crashes the game. Also loaded the game again after crash, This time executed only Tharos, crashed again. I don't know what is so special about this guy.
  7. XIIIth regiment

    XIIIth regiment

    XIIIth тагма будет рада приветствовать новых игроков, для которых красивая игра и командная работа важнее, чем личный скилл. Клан имеет долгую историю. Основанный в первые дни появления Mount & Blade как сетевой игры, клан существует до сих пор. Основные требования к кандидатам: адекватность...
  8. Trial by Jury

    Hi guys, There is an issue with countering the -1 influence buff from the policy "Trial by jury" .. I leveled up my steward perk to 53 with the two +1 influence perks but I'm getting no benefit. This makes it really hard to accumulate any influence Thanks!
  9. Cpt.Braca

    Comparing Faction power and Leaders

    Until a patch breaks my save I'm loathe to leave my current game, that said I'm very curious to see if certain things are the same for everyone? Remember before the launch we all thought Battania was going to crumble from the centre of the map? In my game its trashing Everyone, it's crushed the...
  10. Legio IX

    Legio IX

    The IX Legion is a competitive Bannerlord group with ranks and tactics inspired by the Late Roman Empire. Within Bannerlord we are an Empire based faction from the city of Lycaron. We carry a six year legacy of competitive play from Mount and Blade: Warband and Holdfast: Nations at War. With us...
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