
  1. Erundil

    Face accessories for men

    I've been trying to set up face accessories for men in the beard slot. I've already successfully set up a variety of jewelry for women in their beard slot (which I renamed to "face detail" in ui.csv). Everything works like a charm. So I figured I'll just replicate the same logic for men. Nope...
  2. Short sleeved and bareskin

    Hi, testing new ground here to make shortsleeved tunics and such, armors where arms being bareskin or rather armors/chestplates with no upper arm pieces and so such.. So far the arms disappears making them like ghost xD So yeah how do i do this to make the arms show some skin? (the armors are...
  3. Wie ändert man die Hautfarbe?

    In sind dazu Codes die lauten ungefähr "0xffd0e0e0" Wie könnte man nun herausfinden welche Farbe 0xffd0e0e0 ist, oder noch wichtiger wie verwandelt man eine Farbe in =0xff......?
  4. Resolved Characters Not Visibly Aging

    Summary: Some of the characters' hair turns grey as they age, but other than that, they don’t appear to age. A similar issue from February is listed as resolved here: Cheats: I just installed this awesome...
  5. SP - General Stuff I noticed - V.1

    I'm keeping it short - I'll just note some stuff which I noticed while playing the game which probably are'nt supposed to be like that or which I think they should'nt be like that. And I also added some suggestions ... I'm sure that some of these things already have been posted here, but I...
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