role playing

  1. Madijeis

    SP - General Random events to improve Roleplay and make for compelling characters

    Bannerlord's roleplaying aspects are quite lackluster, especially if you consider it possibilities. The shift towards randomly generated characters has stripped us of the possibility to have atleast some amount of immersion through more curated storylines and characters. How do you make...
  2. Hank_the_Tank

    SP - General Marriage and Family Systems.

    I think one thing TaleWorlds can do to improve the game that will not take a huge amount of time and effort is to work on the marriage system. Getting married and the benefits after were a huge part of warband and a great part of the roleplay. It made you feel like your character had a...
  3. So what's the plan, exactly?

    Probably the 100th post of its kind, but here goes anyway. The way I see it, Bannerlord has broadly two aspects to its gameplay. The first is the systemic sandbox portion that you mainly interact with via the overworld map, NPC dialogue, settlement capturing/village and caravan raiding, and...
  4. Death in battle - make it an optional setting! Context:

    Dear TaleWorlds! You have to make „Death in battle” for lords and nobles an optional setting as soon as possible. We should be able to turn it off (even in existing campaign) while playing with Death/Birth cycle on. Pretty please! TL;DR: 1. Relations between nobles and player creates...
  5. should smithing even be a skill?

    be honest, when (or if) the devs fix smithing exploits will any of us care about leveling smithing? what is even the point of smithing? if it's to let the player make a customized weapon or roleplaying then why is it locked behind level 100+ smithing? I don't want to waste my time or skill...
  6. WouLinX

    RPG Elementlerinin Artırılması

    İyi bir yayı kullanmak için okçuluk seviyemizin yüksek olmasını istiyor. Aynı şey diğer silahlarda neden yok? Sadece paramızın yettiği her silahı ve her zırhı kullanabiliyoruz. Sonra da erkenden sıkılmaya başlıyoruz oyundan. Zırhlar için belli bir seviye isteseydi, silahlar için de her silahın...
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