
  1. The unnoticed Execution of an enemy lord?

    Hi! Recently, when i started a new game as a Sturgian vassal (before that i was their mercenary) and in one of the battles i managed to capture a lord from Vlandia who attacked the village. i wanted to execute him for this, but after i did, my relations with all the lords of vlandia and several...
  2. Player counts as multiple units in hideout attacks

    Hey everybody. I just started a new character and noticed something weird. For the first time during all my playthroughs, my main charcter now counts as multiple units towards hideout attacks. How the hell did this happen? And yeah, I do use a couple of mods.But they all have the same options...
  3. AlbertFaubrein

    How to fix multiplayer AI troop limit ?

    I followed a basic tutorial on how to add troop to multiplayer, and it's pretty simple. But, it seems when you have more than 4 different ai troops in a team, the additional troop cannot be selected by a player in the item selection presentation even if the checkbox is showed. It is possible...
  4. Talents question

    Hello, This is a question for the devleopers or anyone who has been delving into the files. For talents that do things like Smithing's final, "Gain 1% per 5 levels past 275" I want to know if those are integer-based or if it scales as you go. i.e. at 279 are you gaining 0.8% or you have to hit...
  5. Lt_Nicolas

    (Forum Question) WHEN to answer an OLD POST and WHEN to open a new thread ?

    TLDR: Help me change my mind. I don't understand some forum rules regarding old posts, but want to and will comply regardless. Hello there! I have little activity on TW forum despite having visited it for several years. I admit I'm a bit of a dum-dum regarding furum's criteria (read: rules)...
  6. help me edit the script

    How can I change the amount of gold given after a battle? party_give_xp_and_gold -1 38 21 1 1224979098644774912 1 1 936748722493063324 2133 2 1224979098644774913 72057594037927936 2133 2 1224979098644774914 0 1650 2 1224979098644774915 1224979098644774912 6 3 1224979098644774916 0...
  7. When you equip two different arrow quivers, which one's stats are applied?

    When you equip two different arrow quivers, say a Legendary Bodkin Arrows and regular Bodkin Arrows, which one's stats are applied? Does it: - Take the best of each stat from either quivers - Take all the stats of the best quiver - Use the topmost or bottom most arranged quiver - Take the...
  8. LKAI

    Found a post on a game that got to year 1257! They played on xbox, mostly waiting in towns but what i found most interesting was that eventually they said the years became longer. What would cause that? They guess it is because of the very...
  9. iimstevo

    What is _occ_quad?

    I'm struggling to find an answer to this - but what are _occ_quad scene objects? What is their purpose? EDIT: Since no one answered this, I'm just going to post what I assume it is in the event anyone else wants to know the answer; A quadrilateral that occludes a certain part of the main map...
  10. Closed Multiplayer on consoles is still unplayable other then custom battles and a few questions

    Summary: Hello dear support person from taleworlds team I have been playing the game since realease on ps4 and i am very happy how much bugs and improvment you have implemented to singleplayer(especially crashes on the new version maybe 1 crash per 10 hourse when in the last one it was every 3...
  11. callahan9119

    Can anyone point me towards a tutorial on how to create a module with edited unit trees?

    I know how to edit the xml in spnpccharacters.XML, but I don't know how to make it a mod that overrides vanilla. All I want is to edit the units with more diverse armor, so they don't look like clones, but have something saved and moduler so every update doesn't mess up the file. I had hope my...
  12. Willow Ufgood

    should the forum rules state no AI generated text?

    How can the moderation team prove someone is using ChatGPT? It is not stated in the rules that a user cannot use Ai Generated text as long as the post is not spam The definition of spam includes, but is not limited to, the following actions: Double-posting/Duplicate Threads — If you wish to...
  13. Does anyone know when they are adding birth and death to console

    I’m sick of waiting and it’s getting irritating
  14. ThompsoniusIV

    Short arming sword blade

    Within the smithy, you can forge various blades. Strangely, some of these totally different blades have the exact same name. Is that a bug?
  15. Donnahal fen Drunbroch

    The High King: Aeril or Uthelhain?

    Right, so, let's begin. I'm a sucker for lore, and doubly so for anything Battanian related. So, I was going over the DLC's Travels in Calradia, specifically the Llyn Tywal chapter, in which Aeril (and his neice!) is mentioned by name, solidifying that Aeril is his first name. I've always been...
  16. Learning rate decrease formula

    Does anyone know what is the exact formula beyond the progressive decrease of learning rate between the learning limit and the hard cap of a skill? I’m trying to make a spreadsheet for Bannerlord’s characters, I know how calculate learning limit, hard cap and learning rate before you reach the...
  17. Will be more updates and fixes?

    My question is easy: will be more updates and fixes? I have the game for one year and a half right now, and now I see a lot of bugs that shouldn't continue there. The problem is that this is the release version so I'm not sure if they gonna fix that bugs. For example, I love the mechanic of...
  18. Unknown crash report

    I recently played around 3 different saves all with the same mods and noticed that the game will run fine until around an hour or two in and then will crash with the following report. Upon trying to reload the save I will be able to move around on the emap for a minute or so before it crashes...
  19. SeniorsLord

    Bannerlord Music in Youtube Videos

    May i use the background music in bannerlord to record a video from the game for youtube, without warrying about copyright strike ?
  20. Fugitive status

    Hello everyone!! Just for curiosity, someone knows that the fugitive status means and what consequences have? I seen some nobles in the enciclopedia with a log saying "Leosios (for example) is fugitive. What means that? Can I execute Leosios or bring him into any city for a bounty? There is any...
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