quest bug

  1. kargakedisi

    Haritadaki Görev Simgeleri Görünmüyor

    Istiana'nın Planı görevinde (başka görevlerde dikkat etmedim) "Yağmacıları Durdur" ve "Komplo Kervanı" gibi görevler veriliyor. Haritada kervanın yerini gösteren bayrak şeklinde konum simgesi çıkmıyor. Aynı şekilde yağmacıların da yeri belli değil. "Şu şehrin etrafında 3 yağmacı grubu var."...
  2. Bug? Waiting in the village for extorting deserters does not replenish smithing stamina.

    Waiting in the village for the extorting deserters does not replenish smithing stamina. This seems unexpected, because you're not doing much, except for waiting -- so, arguably, it should be replenished. One could counter-argue that you're "assessing incoming intelligence information on the...
  3. Closed Clan Independence bug

    Summary: Can not complete the quest "Create an imperial faction" since the box "Be an independent clan" states: "Clan Independence 0/1". How to Reproduce: Began my playthrough as a mercenary for the Vlandians. Later on I decided to leave the Vlandians and create my own kingdom. Began doing the...
  4. Larsus

    Resolved Crash during "Landowner wants his Daughter Found" quest

    Summary: Game crashes when trying to leave village after dueling the daughter's partner How to Reproduce: When doing the quest "Landowner wants his Daughter Found", after finding the couple and failing the dialogue to convince the daughter, her partner challenges us to a duel. After winning it...
  5. LKAI

    Resolved Quest bugs involving gangs

    Summary:Some bugs found with gang related quests How to Reproduce: Prodigal son quest. Rival gang moving in quest Scene Name (if related): Media (Screenshots & Video):!At3YeyEQCBAWhTV4n8UjNJG-BrvQ?e=bBjWuC!At3YeyEQCBAWhTMeQClLUnz7dZWF?e=wLrZ3k...
  6. Resolved <VillageName> Needs Crafting Materials still bugged

    Summary: The quests wants you to deliever some materials (crude iron in my case) to a village. The game doesn't recognise if you have the materials needed in your inventory. How to Reproduce: Take the quest, get the materials in any other way then buying. Savegame with the bug available. When i...
  7. Popson

    Closed Task button crash

    Summary: when I click the task button, the game freezes and kicks me out How to Reproduce: click the task button Have you used cheats and if so which: no Scene Name (if related): Media (Screenshots & Video): Computer Specs: OS: Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22621.2283] GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX...
  8. queenofcalradia

    Open Galter'in Sahnesinde Takılı Kalıyor

    Merhabalar öncelikle. "Aileni Kurtar" görevinde Radagos ile birlikte sığınağı temizledikten sonra görev tamamlanmamış olarak gözüküyor ve sığınak da olduğu gibi duruyor. Sığınağa, herhangi bir yerleşkeye ya da biriyle konuşmaya girdiğimde Galter ile diyalog çıkıyor, infazı gösteriyor fakat...
  9. STcloz

    Resolved Count Problem in Quest "Unify the Empire"

    Summary: I am the leader of my faction and started the quest "Uinfy the empire". When I conquer a city, "Conquered settlements" in the quest description will add one, say change from 10 to 11. This is correct. As this city is newly conquered it must be distributed by election. But when I...
  10. Resolved Bug: Landowner Needs Manual Laborers allows you to sell non-bandit prisoners

    Summary: I'm pretty sure this is not part of the intended design, but I was able to sell non-bandit prisoners for the "Landowner Needs Manual Laborers" quest. I was able to do it every time at every village. How to Reproduce: The problem seems to be with the "Transfer All" buttons in the party...
  11. LKAI

    In Progress 'Gang leader needs weapons' quest uncapped scaling.

    Summary:Gang leader needs weapons quest has no cap on the number of axes required How to Reproduce: High level Character, quests scale off of it. Scene Name (if related): Media (Screenshots & Video): Character level 35...
  12. Closed Lindorn Needs Crafting Materials Quest Bug

    Summary: Cadugan of Lindorn quest to bring him 20 wrought iron will not recognize 20 wright iron in my inventory when attempting to complete quest How to Reproduce: Get this quest, try to bring him 20 wrought iron you spent time making. Have you used cheats and if so which: No cheats, No Mods...
  13. Game frozen in the gang leader tournament quest

    In the betting fraud quest, in the first tournament that I participate I'm told that I must "win" the tournament. I won it but the game froze in the loading screen unresponsive. Music and background town noises are heard, the mouse is seen on the screen and cpu usage is between 150-200%...
  14. LKAI

    Resolved Omor city can no longer be entered. Causes loading screen crash. Series X

    Summary: Accepted the "Prodigal Son" quest. After speaking to gang leader, failing speech checks then exited conversation and went to and entered gang leaders house. One guard was stuck in sit pose on the sofa but fought without standing. Spoke to hostage son said he would leave and B exit to...
  15. Resolved Quest: assault castle for liege failed

    Summary: in war my liege asked to take castle within 60 days. After creating an army to assault castle, and successfully completing siege (either wounded or surviving) the quest fails stating I did not participate in the siege. I created the army using my favor, led army to castle, and led the...
  16. In Progress Village bandit quest radius ignores sea

    Summary: The Village Ustokol gave me a quest to kill 5 bandit groups but none were spawning nearby. I checked across the sea by Caleus Castle and there was a severe bandit issue but should not have been counting towards the bandit population around the village across the sea. Groups killed there...
  17. Closed Train troops mission fails when I do a rival gang moving in Quest

    Summary: I was doing a "Train troops for Luichan of Mag Arba" quest (4/5 trained) when I went to do the "Rival Gang Moving in at Car Banseth" After completing the fight for Rhagin the Lady (The original Quest giver) I failed the train troops mission, even though I still had all 5 of them in my...
  18. Closed Main Quest Breakable

    Summary: The main campaign can be broken if you pledge allegiance to a faction and then declare independence. The defeat x kingdom quests fail are not replaced. Isthiana disappears from Epicrotea. No other prompts are given in response. How to Reproduce: Pledge to a faction and then leave that...
  19. Misiek007

    Resolved Gang leader need weapons...

    I did this quest many time already and now Gang leader is asking me for 400 one hand axes and is offering 6.5k (~16 per axe). This quest stack at 6.5k reword since they ask for 200 axes. At the same time when gang leader is asking for recruits it is always 16 of them (I have raised a separate...
  20. BlueMonkey

    Closed Conspiracy War Party defeated but quest didn't go away

    Summary: Following steps below it's possible to defeat the Conspiracy War Party but the quest remains open. How to Reproduce: One of my clan's armies was fighting bandits, so I joined in. However, the Conspiracy War Party was nearby, so they automatically joined in to help the bandits. After...
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