
  1. Removing of agent weapon through script

    I'm currently trying to create a system for breaking weapons. I want it to based on damage dealt. Anyway, my issue is that I get a random crash when a weapon is removed. Sometimes it works fine, but it will usually crash after 4-5 NPCs make a strike. Here's really simple sample code...
  2. Jance

    Suggestion General A Proposal For TaleWorlds to Provide an Open-Source Fork of Module Source Code

    Hi TaleWorlds! While we appreciate the steps that have been taken so far in response to the open letter, myself and several other modders would like to propose a way we can more actively contribute to make Bannerlord more modding friendly and accessible. We saw this comment and thought it was a...
  3. Battle Encampment Mod - Need programmers

    Hey, I'm a scener looking for programmers to help make a battle encampment module The general idea When a battle is initiated the parties will turn into encampments on the campaign map (excluding looter and bandit battles) and the menu will appear. The aggressor chooses the time of battle for...
  4. Drawing a Line to the UI

    I'm trying to draw simple polygons to the UI, I've been trying to use the methods in TaleWorlds.TwoDimension to this effect but I haven't had much luck. Anyone have any success or tips on this? Digging through the GraphicsContext and TwoDimension stuff so far hasn't yielded any success.
  5. SP - General A way to make troops more organic and decrease work time

    Hello, i hope this fits here, because well, its something that affects a huge part of the game (characters as in units and so on) and i hope that a developer gets to read this so this can be considered (if it hasnt already, maybe it came up and just doesnt work) the way troops are given gear...
  6. abc123456

    List of C# API that don't do anything?

    I poked around the C# API. I could not get some of the functions to work so just wondering if they actually work? Here is the list of functions that don't seem to do anything: OnDoMeetingInMapEvent CampaignEvents.OnDoMeetingInMapEvent.AddNonSerializedListener(this, new Action<MobileParty...
  7. Namespaces don't stop class name conflicts?

    I just ran a tiny test copy pasting a class from the default packages - in particular, the lumberjack: using System; using TaleWorlds.Engine; namespace TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade { // Token: 0x020002F5 RID: 757 public class Lumberjack : ScriptComponentBehaviour { // Token...
  8. Replacing / Overriding existing model within the CampaignGameStarter

    Hello. I made a mod that allows you to change the number of attribute points and focus points per level. Issue is that currently, I rewrote and recompiled the existing DLL in the game, which I do not want. I want it to fulfill the basic mod structure for compatibility reasons. I have been going...
  9. man_versus_chat

    I made a script to play Bannerlord through twitch chat!

    It was a pretty fun project done with python, AHK, and a few modules. I think melee might be extremely difficult, but ranged may be okay! This is a video going through the tutorial and showing it off! : I think it would need more viewers to spam before it could really do much. But it was a fun...
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