
  1. sinkpoint

    Closed Bannerlord crash, not loading scene.xscene when using Steam Workshop paths

    Summary: I've ran into a bug where, the file \SceneObj\Main_map\scene.xscene is not loading properly, and results in null pointer exception on settlement distance calculations. at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.GameComponents.DefaultMapDistanceModel.GetDistance(Settlement fromSettlement...
  2. Resolved The extended file showed as garbled code after the game saved

    Normally,the game config. would be saved at Onedrive/username/documents/configs..., but there had some trouble to my onedrive (capacity is full),so i changed the documents folder to another place in C-disk, then the nightmare came. At the begining, the game surprisely worked fine, but after...
  3. Resolved Scene Editor Creating a new path causes a crash.

    Hi, after you have deleted a path, with existing path points, as soon as you create a new path with exactly the same name, the tool will crash. Bug report identifier below: Picture!
  4. Holy Shift

    SP - Battles & Sieges Path Finding Problem Trough Siege Towers and Ladders

    This is a prior problem caused gathered 2000 men army to scatter on a single city for nothing.
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