party menu

  1. LogRaam

    Resolved Can transfer any troop to my rooster when starting a new game

    Summary: I have access to all available troops and can transfer then to my party for free. How to Reproduce: Game version v1.1.0. - Create a new campaign or new sandbox singleplayer. - Skip tutorial - Open Troop section from Map. From there, I have access to all troops available in game. I...
  2. Resolved 2990 pickable troops at ''party menu'' ingame.

    Summary: Since the full release versions 1.7.1 and 1.7.2 didn't work for me anymore. So I switched to 1.8. And wanted to continue playing my campaign there, but now whenever i look at the ''party'' option it has 2990 troops I can select to join my warband. After checking and scrolling to the...
  3. snuggans

    Closed [1.8.0 beta] Unit list randomly scrolls up or down after rearranging or transferring a unit

    Summary: When you are rearranging the unit order or transferring units/prisoners, the unit list will sometimes randomly scroll up/down, making the player lose track of where they were in the list. It doesnt always happen, I'd estimate that it happens 20-40% of the time. Occasionally it will also...
  4. Resolved (1.7.0) No troop types assignment in the party screen?

    Summary: In the party screen, the roman numerals to assign a troop to a group (infantry, archer, cavalry etc) is missing. How to Reproduce: Have you used cheats and if so which: Scene Name (if related): Media (Screenshots & Video): Computer Specs: OS: GPU: GPU Driver Version: CPU: RAM...
  5. Discussion General Partyscreenmanager long time issue

    Hello, I have worked on a mod changing a bit the partyscreenmanger sometime ago and while the access wasn't the easiest in the world i could make just what i wanted. Then after a patch (Might be 1.5.7 or 1.5.8 don't remember) there was some weird issues with my mod and since i was busy i didn't...
  6. SP - UI Display character role modifiers in party assignment screen

    I know this info is somewhat available in the character screen, where it looks nice and clean within each category. Would it be possible to add some of this info about how a character assigned to scout/steward/surgeon/engineer modifie the party? It would help with knowing just what’s happening...
  7. Viking2419

    Resolved In e1.5.8 Beta, Inventory, trade and party menu buttons images keep loading forever.

    In e1.5.8 Beta, Inventory, trade and party menu buttons images keep loading forever.
  8. Resolved Crash when clicking on the party Icon

    Today I encounter the same crash over and over again. I try to click on the party screen button, and the game just crashes. I press P to open the party window and it does nothing. I installed some mods via Vortex and I tried to uninstall them all, uninstall Vortex, uninstall and reinstall the...
  9. GarthUncle

    SP - UI Feature Request: Support for zooming characters/troops in party view

    Would be a nice QoL improvement if there was the ability to zoom in on characters/troops in the party view (also inventory screen).
  10. Resolved All units with the same name toggle simultaneously

    How to Reproduce: Open two unit views. For example talk to your companion that has a party of its own to look at their troops. Make sure there are troops of the same name on both sides (like Imperial Archers on both your party and your company's party). When you toggle one, the other is toggled...
  11. Vidortan

    SP - General Party Management Screen: Filter and Sort Options

    Hello and loving the game! After 30+ hours playing I noticed a lot of time I spend scrolling through troops looking for specific types. It occurred to me by adding a simple filter and sort feature to this screen would help make this less of a chore and more fun! I. New Feature Request...
  12. Lluid

    Upgrading a unit that requires a warhorse can consume xp for other units

    Summary : Upgrading a unit that requires a warhorse consumes xp for all the other units that could upgrade with a warhorse (except units that have FEWER troops ready to upgrade) How to reproduce : - have more than one mounted type of unit that have troops ready for upgrade requiring warhorses...
  13. kreamy

    SP - General Inventory / Party management - innovative grouping & upgrading + inventory price thresholds & item type selling

    I find this dreadful. Hundreds of units, and tons of scrolling. Please, eliminate unnecessary clicking & searching actions. I played 3x to eliminate the crudeness of my experience. I should spend the least amount of time micromanaging BS Suggestion : Party 1) Allow bundling into groups (not...
  14. ph0enix

    SP - General Easy changes to party menu UI

    1. The troops going on a mission or battle should get chosen from top to bottom. 2. New upgraded units should get placed above, not bellow (if the same tier troops don't already exist). 3. Get rid of the upgrade window shifting the entire party list, it can get really confusing when you're...
  15. Grumblingstorm

    All troops in party lost their exp/upgrade points

    When travelling on the map I ran out of food and was unable to pay my troops wages for a day. I had a lot of soldiers ready to upgrade but was holding off till I had more money. 2 Soldiers defect when I can't pay or feed them for the day and when I go onto my party screen to check who I noticed...
  16. XBGT

    Resolved [e1.0.0] Game crashes when "un-dismissing" party members

    As the title says, game crashes when you drag your troops from Dismiss(left) to [Player]'s Party(right) menu however it only crashes when troop you drag to player's party is expanded and you see it's slider. Also you can somehow bug the slider if you click fast enough but it's not main reason...
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