
  1. SP - General Party Screen QoL

    I was looking at the party screen and noticed there's actually a lot of space between the names and the number of troops. You could put some icons there that give you some info about the unit, like: - can couch lance - can spear brace - 1 quiver or 2 quivers - bow or crossbow - extra damage to...
  2. SP - General My observations and suggestions

    Hi, wanted to post this for some time and I finally think I got most of my stuff together. I am sorry for making it so long and I know it does not meet the guidelines for suggestions, but i would feel silly for posting each thing separetly. I would rather have an overall discussion over here...
  3. F4z0R

    SP - General World map improvements/ City Improvement

    -Add lumberjack camps/ stonemasons/ farms etc. as new places on the worldmap belonging to kingdoms (for trading, looting...) -Dynamic weather on worldmap and in battles (on worldmap minus on speed when its raining, burning arrows not very effective when its raining in sieges etc.) -Buying ships...
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