Summary: Unwanted displaying message on mission page when I finish the `Aramizdaki Casus` mission:
Which is: [ib:hip][if:convo_grateful]
How to Reproduce: Take "Aramizdaki Casus" mission
Have you used cheats and if so which: None
Scene Name (if related): Mission Page
Mevcut oyunda şehirlere girmek için cidden hiçbir sebep yok ve oyunda ana görev zinciri dışında akılda kalıcı bir görevde yok. Birkaç şehir için birkaç görev zinciri hazırlansa bu problem biraz çözülür en azından, cidden oyunu oynarken hiçbir şehre girmeden ilerlemek artık bir noktada bayıyor, o...
I have large garrisons and many satellites, but I'm at war and don't have time to go to a distant city for soldiers, it would be nice to be able to send satellites for troops, sort of like creating units, but only from the garrison and for delivery.
Can an agent skeleton be changed after the agent has been built?
I tried using AgentVisuals.SetSkeleton() but the character becomes all wonky with all the bones pointing to the right. And many functions cause the game to crash such as SetActionSet.
This occurs even when using the native...
Playing Bannerlords the concept of bandits and acquiring missions from NPC's is repetitive it needs more variance and random events/interactions. For example there should be instances where a bandit leader has a silver tongue and can convince you to spare him, so that he may join you or become a...
Summary: There was one hideout close to Iyakis i cleaned it out, but the mission is not finishing.
Have you used cheats and if so which:no
Scene Name (if related): Around Iyakis
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs: Good enough
GPU Driver Version:
Is there currently a way to access an agent during a mission and have it play an audio file? Something like Agent.PlayAudio() or Agent.SetWantsToPlayAudio() to stay similar to Agent.SetWantsToYell()?
While raiding villages is all well and good, some of us feel sorry for the peasants. It'd be nice to have a more merciful option to raid an enemy army's baggage train as a sort of mini-mission similar to raiding a hideout. It'd be nice to be able to have options for - and even specialise in -...
Summary: After failing one of the missions, my brother Nathanos was holding in Ortysia but when I went to pick him up from there and take to the party he wasn't neither in the keep nor in the tavern. Then I was granted a castle and he is holding there but still I cannot take him to the party...
I don't know if it's a bug or a real purpose ... but after a mission ("resolving an issue") your companion doesn't take automatically his role (surgeon, scout ...) back in your party.
Everytime after a mission you have to remember to give back his role to your companion, it's pretty annoying to...
I got quest from Hurunag, he said he need troops in his garrison. I did exactly what he wants from me and still i couldn't give this quest. All i can say is "I'm still recruiting troops" and "I need more time to find suitable mans."
Hi all! Quick question: I want to be able to spawn the siege_large_shield or cart props in a line in front of a team's troops in battle if the commander meets a condition (probably Tactics + either having Tools in inventory or something else). I already have an idea of how to use...
Recently, while forced to siege with just ladders, I manged to push up the ladder and get on to the wall, but the rest of my soldiers struggled to get up and get a foothold... I was too outnumbered to be able to help clear the way and the dumb AI was struggling to get men on the ladders so no...
In my mind, one of the most major problems in the game is how seldom the player gets to play siege defense. Siege defenses were some of my most favorite in WB, but in BL you can't really play them unless you trick the A.I. by leaving most or all of your army in another fief (to be picked up...
Bir görev türünü(örneğin Caravan Escort görevini) yapması için yoldaşımıza verdiğimizde o görev bitirilmeden aynı tür görevi başkalarından alamıyoruz. Bu şahsen bana pek mantıklı gelmedi zira ben tüm yoldaşlarımı birer göreve verdiğimde ve tek kaldığımda o görev türleri bir yandan yapıldığı için...
Hello - love the game and really like the companions also, but I do wish they had a bit more colour to them. I appreciate the time the devs put into writing the various stock back stories, but I think a better way to make them memorable would be to introduce them through random encounters...
Radeon RX 580
Version. 1.2.0. Beta
16 Ram
When i want to do this mission. And i ask Patrys the Silent to do it for me. And next i have to allocate some units.
It goes to the prisoner screen. And since i have no prisoners, i cannot delegate this mission...
I am trying to modify weapon stats (specifically SwingSpeed, ThrustSpeed, and whatever controls ranged weapons' draw/throw speed) for each Agent during a battle. I have found a way to access and set the stats I want, but they don't seem to change anything, except make melee weapons unable to hit...
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