many players

  1. Beeflip

    Solutions to Low Player Count in Multiplayer

    Hello all, Reading through the forums, there is a lot of discussion on balancing and future game modes. Which is great, and for the most part, productive. However, I feel that the elephant in the room with MP is that simply nobody plays it. You can argue that there might be a Field of Dreams...
  2. Feldmarschall Ben

    Excercitus Imperatorius - Deutschsprachiger Verband rekrutiert

    Disclaimer: [ExImp] ist Teil einer Multi-Gaming-Community und bietet eine Gemeinschaft für Spieler und Clans rundum Mount & Blade. Für M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars bietet das Kaiserliche Heer eine gute Anlaufstelle und zahlreiche Events. In Bannerlord freuen wir uns über Gastspieler, Veteranen...
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