
  1. mount and blade: banner lord coming to Mac?

    Hey everyone, So before y'all start screaming: "Mac sucks, get windows" etc. pls understand that I just don't have acces to Windows right now. So my main question is: Will banner lord ever come to Mac? And is this in the near future (0-1 year) or is it gonna take 1year + or never? Thanks a lot...
  2. Open Screen Stutter when Attacking (Mac)

    Hello everyone, first post here, and I have read the rules, so please let me know if I make any mistakes in this thread. Here's my problem: for just a few frames after I move my mouse and click-hold to attack, the screen will freeze, and then unfreeze and continue like normal―no idea why. I play...
  3. Open MAC: Douar-en-Enez post-naval battle bug.

    A game-breaking bug happened after the big naval battle. Naval battles with >3 ships always glitches out the game, but this bug is such that I can't continue the game. After the big naval battle with Silo(sp?)'s Danish allies, there's a scene where Bodo is on a hilltop fighting for his life...
  4. Jsssse

    Resolved Help

    Hi. I don’t play PC I play Xbox and I recently played warband. I really want to play Viking conquest and I downloaded it on my Mac but the controller won’t work. Can anyone help me get this working? I’ve never played games on a computer before and don’t understand anything. I asked the mount and...
  5. Bannerlord on Mac OS catalina

    S.O.S Has anyone worked out how to play Bannerlord on Mac Catalina I’ve tried crossover and wine hq but can’t seem to get the game to start Thank, any help will be appreciated
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