high tier

  1. five bucks

    SP - General Higher tier units should die less in Autocalc Simulated Battles

    Autocalc, Autoresolve, Simulated Battle, whatever you want to call it - it exists so you can skip a boring battle, one which you know you will win easily with no casualties if you actually played it. But players do not want to use it because their elite, highest level troops can die completely...
  2. Why are simulations rigged against high tier troops?

    Every time I try the simulation, I have to save right before since the game decides to kill off my heavily armored mounted troops before my cloth wearing footmen. I have to reload 5-6 times for a logical outcome to happen. It's insane the number of times I have 120+ troops and decide to kill...
  3. King_Peter_Of_Swadia

    AI Army compositions makes no sence at all to the players Recruiting capability 1.4.2 Beta

    Any one else notices since 1.4.2 how lord come back which strong armies. like battanian and Vladian having 30-50% cav right back after a defeat when cav should theoretical be rare for both of them.(Rare from a player point of view since vladian cav is a special unit and battanian don't have...
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