Inspired primarily by D.Philostrate in 2021, I supplemented his research with some information pertinent to the primitive tribes that inhabited Calradia around 750 BE.
It is worth noting that the names of the tribes are highlighted on the map, varying between three different colors. White is...
SceneFromGIS : Bannerlord
SceneFromGIS is a general tool that aims to help modders create scenes for video game maps using real geographic data.
The tool specifically targets Bannerlord Modding Kit.
What does it looks like ?
SceneFromGIS graphical user interface
A map created using...
The names of the water and landforms all come from the in-game Encyclopedia. I understand that since the game is still in Early Access some these names or their locations are likely to change as time goes on. Also there was a lot of inconsistency in the Encyclopedia when it came to spellings...
The Aserais have only two entries to their kingdom, the AI is stupid. They need only 2 armies to defend their whole kingdom while Vlandia needs at least 4.
They have very good cities that can easily stack milicia, garrison and food which make them unsiegable as an army can't stay 4 weeks leading...
I have a suggestion how to make the economic system more exciting. If you buy a shop in snowy lands the population should be less then in grassy lands. This should be shown by a mapmode and by the general income generated when you buy a shop in theese places. If you buy a smith shop in...
Wanted to get everyones thoughts on this i am LOVING the game despite all of the balancing flaws (looking at you STEAM ROLLING KINGDOMS)
This is a map from around a year ago of the map of Bannerlord I LOVE the look of it with the variety of areas the modern EA map has WAY too many mountains...
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