gameplay expansion

  1. SP - General Suggestions to enrich game experience

    As people keep complaining about the current state of the game, I keep saying it is fine and working as intended. Most mods are just things to make the game easier. Nonetheless, I do believe there are ways to enrich the experience with mechanics not currently added in the game, that would make...
  2. SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Troops Customisation

    As much as enabling the player to create his own complete troop tree/culture would be nice it might be technically difficult and it wouldn't make sense from the history of Calradia. (you can't have a completely new culture popping out of nowhere). However to enhance the player immersion in the...
  3. LordOfAll

    Alternate Gameplay Suggestion: "Attila the Hun" Style Player Path

    Re-posted on forum Suggestion Thread
  4. It would be nice if they added:a weavery/armory

    Greetings, I had been playing bannerlord for quite sometime now and noticed when raiding borrowing enemy caravan's and village's supplies that the surplus of wool and leather had no real purpose other than selling it.I was hoping the devs would allow a creation of an armory that allows the...
  5. SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Just a few suggestions on gameplay

    Hey so this is sort of an amalgamation of what I think Bannerlord needs to push the gameplay to the next level. Apologies if some of these ideas are already featured and for any typos. Lord behavior Executions and Death of Nobles Nobles should be executing other nobles every now and then...
  6. SP - General Nerf the Khuzaits

    In my gameplay so far there are only 2 factions remaining (Khuzaits and Battania). I've only played for like maybe 20 hours on this playthrough and within that small amount of time the Khuzaits had already dominated 1/3 of the entire map. I was a vassal for the Western Empire at the time that I...
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