
  1. numerialized

    SP - General What does Mount & Blade mean?

    We started together on an epic journey together more than a decade ago. The title: Mount and Blade said that we were free, mobile; that there were risks involved, glory awaited etc. Warband furthered it, and then we had mods that altered it. The spirit was almost never lost in any of these...
  2. HEY! Command spam disabled in latest update D:

    What GIVES ?! This is literally the best aspect of multiplayer. Revert the change! Edit: Vote here tototooooo
  3. Strategossable

    Rebellions and independence to prevent snowballing

    I have played 11 hours of the new game and have discussed Bannerlord with several of my friends. We all love the game and have massive respect for the work done by the developers, but we all have one collective major issue with the game in the long run - empire snowballing. We have (all 3 of...
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