dynamic towns

  1. SP - Scenes Custom maps for each settlement

    Right now this is a query. Like the battlefield terrain map system that will be implemented later, is there a plan to make each town/castle's sieges unique to the settlement? I think there already is some difference based on the settlement's wall levels as well as culture. My question is whether...
  2. DennyWiseau

    Feature Request: Dynamic changing settlement cultures

    In bannerlord it seems a greater emphasis has been put on longevity and connectivity between features. People reproduce grow old and die, towns prospers or stagnate depending on varies events such as wars and caravans imports/export. All these features are in essence dynamic and give the game a...
  3. CrazyElf

    SP - General We need dynamic towns that reflect the loyalty and prosperity of the town to increase the immersion of a town

    Imagine an x and a y axis. On one axis, we have Loyalty and on another, we have Prosperity. High Loyalty Low Prosperity High Loyalty High Prosperity Medium Loyalty Medium Prosperity Low Loyalty Low Prosperity Low Loyalty High Prosperity...
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