
  1. SP - Battles & Sieges Window-licking, crayon-eating commanders need better AI.

    I just saw a formation of 450+ Sturgian infantry, in a battle where the Sturgians outnumbered the Battanian army by 350 men, get absolutely mown down because the commander decided to make a shield wall and keep our archers behind them... instead of advancing and making use of the one advantage...
  2. Drakulya#4485

    Valahi, dați goană la Curtea Domnescă! (Clan M&B:Bannerlord)

    Valahi, dați goană la Curtea Domnescă unde șade Măria Sa, înscăunatul Vlad Voievod Țăpeș, numet dupe tac-so: Drakulya - adecă Drăculea! Atențiune la toți viteajii carea iaște cu scaun la cap că de-te Vodă de vestire ca la Curtea Sa să vie aceștia carea se simte străluciți la capilară și...
  3. Archers Not Firing, Other Commanders Do Nothing (post-death)

    I don't know if anyone else has encountered this. I ran into 2 issues today with the combat. In one engagement my archers just refused to fire (fire at will was on). So I thought it was because my infantry was in front of them - this was not the problem. I made sure their view of the enemy was...
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