
  1. Resolved Game client (launcher?) plays foreign application audio.

    Summary: Game client somehow saved a URL to another steam game in it's memory and every time I launch the game - game goes to this steam page URL (on background) and autoplays audio from it. It coninues even when launcher is closed and the game itsself is opened. To summerize: - I don't have any...
  2. Winnie

    Resolved Captain Client & Server Will Crash after More Than 8 Players on One Side at the Round Starts

    Summary: Captain Client & Server Will Crash after More Than 8 Players on One Side at the Round Starts. How to Reproduce: Make one side have 9 players after round start, Client & Server will crash at the same time. Media (Screenshots & Video): There is no log or other information, because it is...
  3. About Private Server on Bannerlord

    Recently, I was modifying the DLL to build a private server. ServerSide can get every udp-packet form clients,I can see every clients' player moving from ServerView ,but Nothing sent back to Clients at all. In Clients' View, I see nobody move but client-self, seems like playing single-game. I...
  4. havena

    server behavior / MP mod development

    Can u add server behavior for multiclientserver in current or beta BL branch, or give beta access to dedicated for MP mod development. currently impossible to work on multi mods :/ best regards
  5. lordrufflebutt

    Client Crash upon Leaving Fort after receiving Army of Poachers Quest

    Game crashes after accepting the Army of Poachers Quest and attempting to leave the Fort. The time left on this quest is -2 days. I suspect this is the culprit.
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