
  1. In Progress Clans

    1. Small clans are displayed incorrectly in the encyclopedia. Neutral, friendly and hostile are not filtered. 2. The player's clan is displayed as small after the creation of the kingdom. 3. In the game mode without deaths, clans marry. This is pointless. Moreover, marriages between lords and...
  2. How to temo

    So I temporarily expelled a few clans in my kingdom to gain their fiefs but now when I try to recruit them back by talking to the clan leader there is no option to. I tried going to war with the clan and capturing the leader too but that didn't work. Do I have to wait until they automatically...
  3. Kingdom clan's limit

    Hello everyone. I have almost conquered all of Calradia and faced such a problem. I started playing for the empire and in each defeated kingdom I lured the clans to myself, leaving only one ruling clan to the losers, which was destroyed automatically after a while. I've lure all the clans of...
  4. Closed Clans of destroyed kingdoms die out after some time

    v 1.2 -- v 1.2.8. Clans of destroyed kingdoms die out after some time. Clan heads have no dialogue about joining my kingdom. Please add the function of inviting clans through the diplomacy menu or dialogues with clan heads. v 1.2 -- v 1.2.8. Кланы уничтоженных королевств вымирают через...
  5. BudsGaming0515

    SP - General What influences rebel clans that have become legitimate in joining a kingdom.

    I know that traits and the general opinion matter in which kingdom they join but does other things matter like how much money they have, clan power, amount of fiefs, marriages, etc.
  6. Shifty_Spaghetti

    Clans vanishing after I destroyed the Southern Empire? (1.2 Beta)

    I am playing as a vassal of the Northern Empire about 905 days in, and a couple of in game and real days ago I participated in the destruction of Rhagea's faction and her army of simps. I was under the impression from a couple of google searches that the clans would roam around and eventually...
  7. Lornloth00

    SP - General Marrying off female members is paid

    Currently clans can offer marriage proposal for a female clan member but there is no benefit to giving them up on the contrary we have reasons to keep them as governors and party leaders especially for calling up armies of parties. Clan's should offer money probably based upon clan tier for the...
  8. Lornloth00

    SP - General Peerage ProcGen names for Companion Clans

    Could we get a button that generates names for peerage clans? In character creation the game has some very good character and clan names for the player that are generated making character creation easier so it would be nice to have the same for companion clans instead of having something dumb or...
  9. Count_Morfetico

    Do you think bannerlord would benefit from a smaller map and less clans?

    Ok, so, I normally like to think things in their contextualized complexity... but I've been watching some videos of people playing warband's campaign, and was thinking if one of the problems of Bannerlord is that the map is huge in comparison with warband's and there are SO MANY of them clans...
  10. yannis390

    Crash when any form of clans xml is loaded from my mod

    So whenever I run the game with my mod it will crash about 30 seconds of letting in game time pass. Either walking around the overworld map or waiting in a town. My mod only touches xmls, and specifically, whenever there is a clans xml loading from my mod this crash will happen. It doesn't...
  11. xXGodz__ZeusXx

    KIngdom Of Atria

    NA with some EU and SA Rank structure Organized Formations Battle Events Rp Tournaments occasional raffles will be playing Bannerlord multiplayer Mods such as Persistent Kingdoms Crpg and other multiplayer mods Renown Arma usually bring 15-30 members to events.
  12. Bjorn The Dead

    What does clan system serve in gameplay?

    On the player side of things, being a clan is good. You can form big army with them, you can form caravan with your clan member, you can send them do quest etc. These are good things to have and I appreciate it. But on the side of npcs, what being a clan does in the gameplay other than making...
  13. Danijongo

    Where's everyone? What am I missing?

    So at any given time via steam hubs/stats you can see Bannerlord as a whole has about 13,000 players on average concurrently. At the same time It's practically impossible to find a game on multiplayer, ignoring the occasional 30-50 players spread apart between two servers at the custom...
  14. Recruit Faction leading clan

    Was wondering why in sandbox mode you cannot recruit the leading clans of a faction, the south empire only has Petheros (leading clan) left in the faction with 78 strength. Its a waste of a potentially strong clan to just sit around and wonder the world poor and making a random war with most...
  15. RozBritanicus

    Clans need spice

    I was thinking how to make the game world more alive and thought if the clans could feud with each other or make alliances or pacts . The kingdom work and we have peace and was but what if a family like or hated your family and there were in another kingdom. If the kingdoms went to war they may...
  16. Remnant_Kaewyn

    The New Oceanic Bannerlord Community Discord!

    With the arrival of custom servers just on the horizon and the introduction of the OC_Battle server, the Oceanic Bannnerlord Community has returned in force. Newly created by the leaders of three of the most active clans in Oceania to be a place where the community can gather, interact and...
  17. Looking For a Clan

    Came back around to Bannerlord and I'm loving MP. Looking for an active clan to play with. Anything Masonic related is a huge plus
  18. Bizzare issue with promoting a companion

    So here's the following steps that took place: I lead my own faction. I took over a castle from an enemy. I spo2ke to one of my companions "Jythea the Wronged" and granted her the castle I just took, which creates a clan with her as the leader. Two days later I am forced to grant the same castle...
  19. Ask

    Do NPC clans have a limit to the amount of parties they can have like the player's clan?

    So you know how the player's clan can have up to like 4-5 total parties roaming around the map depending on the clan tier and that one perk that gives an extra party. Do NPCs have this limit as well, or can they have more parties?
  20. Ferisko

    SP - General Clan roles

    Greetings forum members, Right now lords are like headless chikens waging war 24/7, since we have party roles and party/kingdom stances, what if we added a role for 3 clan members? The clan representative. The clan representative should be per default the clan leader, this party would be the...
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