
  1. Userre

    Final Charm Perk 'Immortal Charm' doesn't work with companions and I think it probably should

    It takes a long while to grind a companion or family member up to 275 charm, but I decided to do it so that I'd be earning a solid 10 influence per day off the perk, with my character and my wife. Unfortunately, the perk doesn't actually apply to other clan members and I think it probably...
  2. Keimpe

    Why is charm highlighted when assigning a governor?

    Surely it must be stewardship instead of charm?
  3. ThorheimAP

    Closed Those are not my Prisioners!

    Summary: I was runing arond on a new char. Got to rank 1 and joined Battania as a mercenary. When I came to a castle to hand in some prisioners, there is a bunch of enemy lords in the dungeon. I handed in just a couple of infantry I found, and my Charm skill skyrocketed! "Wtf?" aswell as my exp...
  4. CptMuppet

    Resolved Emissaries don't get Charm Expierience after improving relations. Main hero steals it from them.

    Summary: There is a problem with companions and family members staying in towns and castles as emissaries. If player's clan tier is 3 or higher, they occasionally improve relations with clans and notables as expected. The problem is they don't get any xp in charm skill for those actions. In...
  5. What good is ranking charm for companions?

    I noticed that most of the skills within the Charm category are personal skills. What good does it do to rank Charm for companions? Do I get any possible bonus out of my companions being charming? Does having charming companions boost overall charm for me and my clan? If not I suggest that...
  6. Adryl

    SP - General I wish you could try to recruit captured lords

    As per title - after a battle, when I defeat a bunch of enemy lords and take them prisoner, I wish I could talk to them in my Party screen and try to recruit them as per the normal process (convince + bribe). I feel like this would make sense and be a lot more immersive. As it is, it can be...
  7. Resolved Infinite Charm & Relationship - Manual laborers task with secondary task in same village - 1.4.3

    How to recreate: I accepted the manual laborers task and was then approached by another character to share the profits. I accepted to share. On the village screen I then clicked on the character asking to share profits to accept a bandit base task. However, the conversation simply repeats the...
  8. Resolved Description of perk is missing

    Summary: Name and description of 250p Charm perk looks like placeholder How to reproduce: Open Character menu, go to Charm and look at description of perk at 250 points threshold Media: Version: Main e1.2.1...
  9. m4s4mun3

    [e1.3.0 beta] No xp from bartering / gifting to lords/nobles

    Hello, I've installed the new beta (e.1.3.0) today and since then I noticed, whether it's gifting or bartering with nobles (I've tried with Altenos gifting and right after Nemos for bartering, some horse for 246 denars), and my Charm stat didn't move at all (stayed 9066xp before and after). My...
  10. Charm bug/exploit.

    Hey i've came across a charm bug i tried to find a bug report forum section but couldn't so i'll post it here. If you chose to do the tutorial at the start once you talk to the merchant in the first town it instantly boosts your charm i got 48 points in charm just from that one interaction...
  11. Resolved Turning a lord to your faction whilst they engage you gets the game stuck

    Hello, I do not believe this was covered in the known issues section. I was being chased down by an opposing lord and was forced to engage. After a charm check and financially encouraging him to switch sides, his unit is stuck on engaging my party. We then get allied lord chat options, then i...
  12. Resolved Doing a barter will always improve your Charm

    Summary: Every time you do a barter with a noble in a castle or city will increase your charm even if you don't come to an agreement or give/gift/trade them anything. How to Reproduce: Barter with noble in a city, exit bartering screen and you will get experience in charm Quest/Settlement Name...
  13. Randomly got 48 charm skill points during tutorial

    I started a new character just now and while going through the tutorial I got 48 charm skill points all at once for seemingly no reason. I has just entered Tevea for the first time and at the end of the conversation with the headman I got the points. This happened the other day too, although it...
  14. Resolved Game Froze After Successful Charm and Barter During Siege | Steam BETA Patch 1.1.0/Hotfix | 14 April 2020

    My game froze after successfully convincing the enemy lord to betray the kingdom during castle siege using parley options. The game froze after the lord agrees to betray the kingdom and the barter tab shows, after using auto-negotiation, join the kingdom, asked for 128k Denars and accept offer...
  15. Closed Charming Enemy Army to join your liege

    Got a bug where I charmed an enemy army to join my side of a war and after succeeding, They keep running into me forcing me to open a dialogue with their party leader and I can leave it but as soon as I go to the main map again, they run right into me making me open another dialogue. This keeps...
  16. Quanaril

    Dialog/İkna Ekranında Sıkışmak BUG

    Kendi krallığımı kurduktan sonra bir lordu (Sichanis) kendi krallığıma gelmesi için ikna ediyordum. Save/Load ile başarılı sonuca ulaşmaya çalışırken ikna etme dialoğunda sıkıştım. Artık her NPC ile olan dialoğum (Çapulcular dahil) sanki onları bir şeye ikna etmeye çalışıyormuşum gibi başlıyor...
  17. MainstreamPepe

    Charm leveling exploit, aka.Get OP as **** in a few weeks

    Hey there fellas. While trying to convince more lords to join my faction, I stumbled upon this interesting charm leveling up method. I'm not sure if it is intended (pretty OP if you ask me..) but you can mass-barter 1 coin to lords and your charm increases equally as if it was an actual useful...
  18. Resolved Convinced enemy Army leader to defect during pre battle parley, got to speak with the second leader, started battle first leader got back as an enemy

    As per title. I managed to convince an enemy army leader (with 6 or so other groups within his army) to join me, then I couldn't do the same to the next in command as it was their King. I am sure the second army had defected to me though, i could see it in my roster and men count, but as the...
  19. Resolved Can't barter anything but horses, arrows, iron and money...

    As the title says. Weapons, armour and food just don't show up under 'items' and every other tab is greyed out. Beyond this, no matter how good the horses are the lords will never accept a deal. I can suggest a horse that costs 2000 usually and ask for a single Denars and their "accept" bar is...
  20. Exploit for charm by barter

    After the last update gaining charm by barter became possible, but it opened a way for easy (more or less) way to get high charm. Just start barter end end it, so game thinks you make a present to an NPC, but you lose literally nothing
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