beta 1.5.6

  1. Resolved [1.5.6] Disrupt Supply Lines quest issue

    After engaging the specified Arms Dealer Caravan, i ended up with -260 influence although the quest outcome was positive. Finishing the quest seems to give 10 influence, but my total is now negative. From my analysis, the quest subtracted -300 points, as i had 32 influence before and it put...
  2. Middovah

    Resolved FPS Modunda Fotoğraf Moduna Geçince Karakterin Kafası Yok Oluyor

    (Beta 1.5.6) Dediğim gibi FPS kamera modunda fotoğraf moduna geçince karakterin kafası yok oluyor...
  3. Ananda_The_Destroyer

    In Progress [1.5.6 BETA] Town Granary won't build, Town stash gives discarding warning(Town double trouble)[.sav]

    2 problems 1 .sav The Granary upgrade isn't budging (took some boost money though) and the "1 day 0% " estimate looks odd to me. When I use the Town Stash I get a warning that I'm discarding items. So far it seems to actually store the items, but I haven't risked leaving them for a long time...
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