
  1. Resolved 한국어 - KO grammar mistakes, missing word

    Translation Error: grammar mistakes Corrected Translation: 하지만, 그런 배신도 동료인 아세라이의 바누 퀼트가 우리에게 한 짓에 비하면 아무것도 아니었네 Where did you find this error (which conversation, screen, area,...)?: quest investigate neretzes folly, adram Screenshot: Translation Error: missing word Corrected Translation: 그...
  2. In Progress [v1.8.0.315545] Radagos Bug

    Summary: There are too many of Radagos's Raider How to Reproduce: I was defeated by Radagos many times Have you used cheats and if so which: no cheats, no mods Scene Name (if related): Media (Screenshots & Video): Computer Specs: OS: GPU: GPU Driver Version: CPU: RAM: Motherboard: Storage...
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