
  1. CptMuppet

    Resolved Battanian cultural penalty not working properly.

    Summary: Battanian cultural effect - "10% slower build rate for town projects in settlements" - cause incorrect calculations of construction points in settlements. I didn't check the code, but from my in-game observations it seems like the implementation of the method that calculates...
  2. Need More Info Battanian Teleportation bug

    Hello, I Was playing bannerlord as the vlandians, we were at war with the battanians. Everything was going well until I kept being approached by a battanian party out of nowhere. I gave them money so as not to attack me, so I can observe what was happening. The battanian party was teleporting...
  3. In Progress Highland Noble Bracers Graphical Glitch - e1.5.6

    Summary: Loaded up a save file from the previous day. Now all Oathsworn units and everyone who wears Highland Noble Bracers turns into a glitched graphical ball. I've already deleted the Shaders folder, verified the game files, and restarted the game multiple times to no avail. Deleting the...
  4. Cranky

    Resolved Battanian fortress AI defence issue

    Huge FPS (<25 FPS) drop when defensive is controlled by AI >> once selected all >> toggle off command delegation FPS goes back to normal. Also AI seems stuck: don't know how to continue attacking / defending, where to allocatie troops etc I've found this issue while defending Druimmor castle...
  5. Resolved Weird and annoying "bug" around horsemen ai and 1h weapons while mounted.

    Hi there. This is my first post around here. Well, the thing is: Battanians horsemen (and now ive notice aserai elite horsemen too), while mounted, they refused to use their spears to make better charges, they keep using their axes like the madman they are. I thought their 1h weapons are like a...
  6. Fanto

    Resolved Llanoc Hen Castle big problems

    Hello, The map use for Llanoc Hen castle and other battanian castle have a lot issues during siege battle. The scripts for assault the wall doesn't work and the warriors don't move when ladder and tower touch the wall. The only way to take the castle is charging after battering ram have...
  7. Circle314

    Resolved Battanian nobles more like otherworldly abominations than people

    Summary: Winter 4, 1092 - We have just captured Kranirog Castle back from the duplicitous Battanians. Curse those highlanders, declaring war whilst we were occupied battling against our age old foes in the Empire. We shall not forget this! The prisoners below noble station are all impaled and...
  8. PeasantOP

    Battanian Archers

    For any Battanian mains out there, tell me about your troops strength and weakness. Also is it hard to recruit Battanian Champion. Planning to make my first mod, on modding tool release.
  9. Bugsss when sieging Pen Cannoc

    I though the sieging AI is fixed and improved but it seems new bugs appeared. When sieging Pen Cannoc, 1. Defense infantry stuck on wall doing nothing except falling from the wall. 2. Attack infantry stuck behind sieging tower, don't climb up at all and get slaughtered by defense archer. 3...
  10. IM EGG

    Resolved Lag when fighting Battania infantry

    Hello, I've noticed that my game lags specifically when fighting Battanian infantry. I first noticed this in the campaign mode, at first I thought it was just laggy in general but whenever I'd do a custom battle I'd never encounter lag, until I realized that I had only faced Battania in battle...
  11. Resolved NPC model Graphical glitch

    Summary: Battanian Lord Siaramus is rendering incorrectly How to Reproduce: I never encountered this bug until, playing a female character, I married the Battanian Lord Siaramus. Ever since that time, his portrait is not rendering correctly in menus. He's become a mishmash of disconnected...
  12. Tsewe

    Caladog needs garrison troops in "City" Quest Problem

    Well basically, this quest is not only very annoying and the opposite of "fun", but also broken. King Caladog of Battania asked me he needed 5 Battanian Highborn Warriors for X's garrison". Now this is not even clear if we need to bring the soldiers to him or to donate them in X's garrison. You...
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