
  1. SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Make marriage more balanced

    In my opinion marriage, as it is now, is kind of incoherent with what the game allows you to do if playing as a female character: playing a female character allows you to do everything a male character would do, basically stating that there's no difference between genders in Calradia, EXCEPT...
  2. RWBY

    In Progress Cannot barter items with lords inside settlements

    Summary: This is something I reported half a year ago already, the time when I last played this game before coming back for 1.7. When bartering with lords on the world map I also have options available to offer horses, weapons, prisoners, etc... If I barter with lords and nobles inside a...
  3. SP - General Player clan marriages, barter for peace diplomacy

    How come the clan member are married off to outside clans when the player is not yet a lord or a king (no kingdom) but the moment they're in a kingdom its the opposite? Npc clan members are married off to the players clan? This makes the marriage mechanic still somewhat unbalanced mid to late...
  4. Lluid

    In Progress Crash when resolving peace decision AFTER the war ended.

    Summary: Peace was obtained through bartering with a noble. But a decision to make peace had been started, not resolved yet. trying to resolve it crashed the game. How to Reproduce: 1) Be at war 2) Open a decision to make peace, don't resolve it 3) Barter with a noble and obtain peace 4) Try...
  5. DrDragonlance

    Resolved Bartering With Spouse to Improve Relation

    I just got married and my wife did not like me. We had a -2 relation. I got her to join my party, then I went to a keep and Bartered with her. We had the same inventory, so I traded my gear to myself and improved my relation with her. I can only guess that this is not intended.
  6. Resolved Barter sister's marriage value over 1 million denars

    I bartered with Monchung to have my sister married to another vassal (I was already a Khuzait vassal). He had about 1.5 million denars. Even after requesting every one of his denars he was okay with the deal.
  7. Lornloth00

    SP - Economy Barter in Castles.

    Please allow us to barter in keeps and castles. Its hard to find characters as it is but if you can only barter on the world map then its very hard to locate someone it would be easier if we can barter in keeps so we can check the encyclopedia for their location go there and barter. Trying to...
  8. Lesbosisles

    Closed [e1.5.5 Beta] Crash when entering "Del" button on a barter screen

    So, recently a pleasant change has been made to a barter screen - a player now is allowed to type the amount of money he wants to get/give by hand. But there's an unpleasant moment - when entering the price, try deleting something with the "Del" button - you'll get an immediate crash. I use...
  9. Fell

    Barter (give) fiefs to original factions ?

    Anyone know, or tried bartering/giving fiefs back to original factions with the 'Everything has a price' skill ? I currently have trade skill of 202, but my character is getting quite old so I don't know if I will get there in time to try this, despite investing character background in trade...
  10. In Progress Unable to make peace with factions bug 1.4.1

    When i barter peace with a faction and it says barter offer accepted nothing happens it just keeps me at war with them and does not make peace It is not a mod related issue as it happens on a fresh new campaign with no mods activated Any ideas?
  11. Unable to make peace with factions bug 1.4.1

    When i barter peace with a faction and it says barter offer accepted nothing happens it just keeps me at war with them and does not make peace It is not a mod related issue as it happens on a fresh new campaign with no mods activated Any ideas?
  12. End game is impossible.

    Snowballing is the obvious issue, but there's a lot of intricacies that make it such an issue. For one, there's no limit to how big an army can get. So bigger factions have bigger armies, which helps them snowball harder. Secondly, bigger factions are more attractive to AI lords. So they...
  13. SP - General Last update broke the barters

    Hi! after last update, is virtually impossible to make peace with enemies. I suffer the random war declarations of factions, factions that I haven't interact in all game (like sturgians), and, after a battle, is impossible to make peace. In 1.2, barters were, sincerely, too low (30K for a...
  14. Everything Has A Price - Questions

    So I have a couple of question about this perk. I've searched through "The Keep - Singleplayer" thread and found some information regarding my questions but they were mainly from a couple weeks ago or earlier. The questions are : Can you purchase settlements (once you have the perk) even when...
  15. Resolved [Beta 1.3.0][Exploit] Give settlements to your spouse through barter

    Summary: give conquered settlement to yourself, effectively disabling the kingdom vote (ruler). How to Reproduce: As a ruler,when you or a vassal conquer a city or a castle, you need to vote for who you gets it, BUT if you have the "settlement barter perk" you can shortcut the vote and just...
  16. m4s4mun3

    [e1.3.0 beta] No xp from bartering / gifting to lords/nobles

    Hello, I've installed the new beta (e.1.3.0) today and since then I noticed, whether it's gifting or bartering with nobles (I've tried with Altenos gifting and right after Nemos for bartering, some horse for 246 denars), and my Charm stat didn't move at all (stayed 9066xp before and after). My...
  17. Trading 225 kills the game

    I've had a lot of fun playing. I spent quite a while building up my finances, then pushed my own kingdom. I was enjoying slowly expanding, making a push and then buying my way to peace for a chance to restock and prepare for another push. Slowly I expanded, but it didn't feel easy. Then I...
  18. SP - General Why do I have to make peace?

    I've decimated a faction so that there's barely a handful of lords left. Yet they want me to pay them 6000 to make peace... I'm standing there with an army of 200 against their 30, and they're saying "nah, mate, we could take you. That'll be 6000 if you don't want to fight us". Uh. I think...
  19. SP - General Enemy Lords don't barter.

    They never initiate a barter. When you outnumber their 30 man unit with a 200 man army they should try to barter for being let go, like you can. Even something simple like "we won't attack for 20 days" and some positive reputation with that lord would be more than enough. Otherwise It just...
  20. Resolved Doing a barter will always improve your Charm

    Summary: Every time you do a barter with a noble in a castle or city will increase your charm even if you don't come to an agreement or give/gift/trade them anything. How to Reproduce: Barter with noble in a city, exit bartering screen and you will get experience in charm Quest/Settlement Name...
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