bannerlord clans

  1. How to temo

    So I temporarily expelled a few clans in my kingdom to gain their fiefs but now when I try to recruit them back by talking to the clan leader there is no option to. I tried going to war with the clan and capturing the leader too but that didn't work. Do I have to wait until they automatically...
  2. Clans from fallen empires.

    Why it's impossible to recruit clans from a fallen empires. I think it's a waste of good tier 5 and 6 clans just to disappear. Wating for the IA to recruit and become a scum saver just to wait for the IA decisions. Maybe if u have a 70+ relationship you can recruit these nobles...
  3. Annoying Minor clans

    Hi, So to explain this titel I have an issue with the declaration of wars against minor clans in this game. I own as a vassal of the khuzaits the city of Amperala the north-east most city of the Northen Empire (former owner :wink:). However with me managing my city great and all there is a...
  4. The Myrmidons

    The Myrmidons

    All are welcome. Born from ants, we have fought in famous battles, we now fight in mount and blade. Everyone make sure to join the discord: Roles explained: The starting ranks of The Myrmidons are based on ant hierarchy but because reading about ants and their...
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