banner lord

  1. Consul_Kaiser

    Summer Games Fest Thread (Bannerlord)

    Hello Everyone, As some of you have been checking the Steam DB information regarding Bannerlord, an insider as told me that TW will be making an announcement of sorts during the week of Games Fest along with all the other AAA studios. You will see in the Steam DB an "interview" that was...
  2. unrealistic - owning fief without associated with a kingdom

    Summary: you can own a fief as a mercenary and cannot be attacked unless instigated, unrealistic game mechanics should be the most difficult and constantly attacked while owning a fief and not being apart of a faction. How to Reproduce: overthrow rebels Have you used cheats and if so which...
  3. Ideas and suggestions for in-game economy systems and revenue settlement frequency

    I've played Bannerlord for over 800 hours, experiencing the game's economy from multiple angles and multiple ways of playing. Now I suggest that it's time to make some changes to the game's economy. In the game, income and expenses are settled daily. I think the frequency of this settlement...
  4. In Progress BL: AI Spear brace bug

    Summary: All units with braceable spears/pikes and shields will never brace under any condition How to Reproduce: Have any unit with a braceable spear along with a shield (Battanian Oathsworn for example) set up a custom battle and have the opposing side with only cavalry, as the cavalry charges...
  5. TeenBrunette

    Character Creation problem

    Hello everybody, when I have a new culture, and I start the game, it should me show the parents heritage, like if they are lords, mercenary ecc. But they are naked, and they have cold. How to solve it?
  6. SP - General Diplomacy issue suggestions

    Hi. This is my favorite game after total war games. And that is why I am willing a good future for it. One very simple and very easy to do thing can make this game much more interesting and bring a huge portion of excitement challenge and pleasure into the game. Dimplomacy and global faction...
  7. Are the new quests part of the 1.5.6 beta ?

    they said something about some new quests one being rescuing your fellow vassals and such from captivitym have they been implemented in the 1.5.6 beta or is that just the rebellions ?
  8. Once Upon A Time (Idea)

    Hi, so, brand new here and not really sure where to start. Basically, i never modded or have any knowledge on the matter in fact. I am however a huge Mount and Blade fan and played a LOT of mods for Warband, (GOT,LOTR,Star Wars...etc) Big Overhaul Mods. Needless to say i loved them of course...
  9. BL Probleme de FPS en bataille

    Bonjour, Je me suis recemment remis à jouer à M&B Bannerlord après quelques mois, mais voilà, je me retrouve avec un gros soucis technique qui m'empêche de (re)kiffer le jeu à son plein potentiel. En effet, lorsque je me trouve en bataille avec un certains nombre de soldat sur la map (je dirais...
  10. genrev0914

    SP Other Supreme Kingdom x Merchant City

    Supreme Kingdom - A feminist mod. Overpowered kingdom (Unless the members defect) Merchant City - Most prosperous town in Calradia, Creating a caravan here will give you the best guards Contents: Mod Link is here: Supreme Kingdom x Merchant City Please Check My Modding Tutorials Pure...
  11. genrev0914

    Resolved Shader Quality Above low cause dark patches on map

    Shader Quality set on medium and high cause dark patches on my map, I'm not sure if it is a native bug, but maybe it was caused by corrupted file because during download the laptop goes sleep. I have verified file integrity through steam and it still there. The remedy I did is just set the...
  12. Where is the ramun in bannerlord? I can't find him!

    Ramun can be found nearly in every mod of warband,also in With Fire and sword and Viking conquest.He is a very magical NPC who can appear at any why not add him in bannerlord? I like to trade with him. My English is not good. Please forgive me if I have any language mistakes 。
  13. AzucarSalado

    What is the "Troop count" in the patch notes?

    Hi, As title says. I cannot figure out what means "Troop count increase". Is it something like daily wages? Thank you,
  14. ShillinG

    Main quest

    I destroyed Empire, came to Arzagos and i`ve got nothing. If i say to him "about the quest you`ve given me" he answers "you should not know it" or smth like this. So? what is the sense of main quest if i get nothing and can`t speak to him? Maybe TW will develop it in future updates, but now this...
  15. full_generation

    Resolved Colors intertwine at sunset and at sunrise. Brightness problem

    I'm on friends 1.3 main version. When I fight in the afternoon, the sunset, it becomes a color between bright and dark. Even if I fight at night, it's not such a bad color. Nothing is chosen during the war at sunset. Colors interlock. This is especially the case in sarranid cities and villages...
  16. Kiffenlair

    BL Probleme avec les MOD de Mount and blade: bannerlords

    J'ai mis des mods afin de découvrir le jeu avec plein autres de fonctionnalité. Mais des que je lance le jeu . il charge et apres il plante? avez vous une idée ? Si echec, avez vous des pack mod qui marche et qui rend le jeu meilleurs ?
  17. Is balancing that important to the single player mode?

    When choosing between balancing and implementing new features, taleworld chose the former. But is balancing that important? the current game has tons of functions that are not implemented, including many perks. I think fixing this is much more important than making player earn less money from...
  18. [BoM] Bastards of Men [NA]

    [BoM] Bastards of Men [NA]

    ABOUT US Bastards of men is a Multiplayer clan for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Formed from a experienced group of Napoleonic wars players, friends and people who wanted to win games as a cohesive unit. Formed on April 9th 2020. Our members are new and...
  19. Как улучшить отношения с женой и старостами?

    квесты старост выполнять не хочется, а если зайти армией в деревню отношения не меняются в отличие от города. с женой вообще не понятно как, в диалогах ни чего нет
  20. kingdom decisions

    Hi , i just took a city and I have 3 clans in my kingdom , when it comes to voting i want to vote for my own clan as i sieged the city alone but when it comes to kingdom decisions it shows all the other 3 clans except mine?? also why can i not declare war from diplomacy ? i always have to...
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