attribute points

  1. NPC属性点错误BUG

    首先我不是这个BUG的发现者,我是在中国的一个论坛上看到的,所以发到这里。 似乎1.2版本更新后NPC会出现跑动技能的175级PERK没有被正确计算的问题,如BUG发现者上传的截图所示: (这什么鬼论坛,没法直接上传图片) 总之游戏在创建新战役时不会计算NPC的这些加属性点的PREK,但是去竞技场洗点时却会计算这些PERK,导致属性点错误减少。而且似乎减少的量是不确定的,总之一般会比正常情况少一到两个属性点。
  2. In Progress Perk/attribute/focus point bug.

    How to reproduce: Step one: Give max amount attribute/focus point to something get point from one perk.( i give 5 point to one handed weapon focus) Step two: Get the perk give the point for maxed skill/focus (smith 225 perk can give 1 point onehanded and 1 point two handed weapons or 1 attribute...
  3. Ask

    SP - General Yet another suggestion to rework attributes and focus points

    My suggestion is as follows: Only focus points control the learning limit and learning rate of a skill. Earlier focus points give less increases to learning limit and learning rate than later ones. Learning rate does not decrease as you level, or decreases much more slowly than it currently...
  4. Rulin

    SP - General Please remove Focus Points and change how Attribute Points work

    Never liked the character progression. Leveling up is way too slow, the perks often offer unsatisfying and conflicting bonuses, and it is overall too much busywork identifing the right ones for each different type of character/companion type. Just picking the bottom perks of a skill, for...
  5. Is there a way to use console commands to add attribute and skill points to siblings in party?

    I have been suffering from a game glitch that is spawning my siblings with attribute and skill points missing. Is there a console command that I can use to give my siblings attribute and skills points, as a work around for this problem until it gets properly fixed? I found these commands...
  6. STcloz

    It's discrimination!

    Player has 4 more attribute points than companions. This is unfair. This is discrimination! I fight for the NPC rights!
  7. Level limited

    on one of my long playthroughs 900+ days which has many technical issues of its own the character has basically hit a leveling cap at 21. it seems that you dont increase skills if they are at the learning limit for instance i used a polearm on horse back for many battles racking up over 500...
  8. MightyMidgit

    SP - General Give Attribute Points a Purpose Again

    As many of you know, there is ZERO difference between an Attribute Point and a Focus Point, except Focus Points increase learning rate and limit soft cap more than Attribute Points. In past M&B titles, Attribute Points had a purpose. In Bannerlord, I do not notice any difference between 10 and 1...
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