
  1. Forest-Bandit

    Resolved Thugs don’t drop loot

    Summary: How to Reproduce:defeat back ally thug Have you used cheats and if so which: Scene Name (if related):ally Media (Screenshots & Video): Computer Specs: OS: GPU: GPU Driver Version: CPU: RAM: Motherboard: Storage Device (HDD/SSD): Alias they don’t drop loot therefore can’t get the rare...
  2. SP - General Option to command AI ally troops in battle

    Maybe it had been suggested before but my lazy search didn't come up with anything so; When player joins an AI vs AI battle or an ally AI close by decide to join ours, instead of listening to our command they rather do their own thing, which is usually suicidally charging head on or making a...
  3. So I've been playing beta 1.1 fresh start, and...

    Chose to help Sturgia, because they always get run over, and all was working fine (500 days+/-) until I decided to grind on my smithing. As we all know getting a decent weapon should be most important, let alone being able to reproduce it... Got my wife early on, because I knew of the horrors...
  4. F4z0R

    SP - General Diplomatic Options for Player/NPC Kingdom

    -More diplomatic options for the kingdoms (creating an alliance, non aggression pact, trade agreement, declare war to a kingdom together with your ally...)
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