
  1. 1.5.10 Bug (not beta) ransoming the same lord multiple times

    Hello, I've encountered a bug in the current version of the game (1.5.10 I think) where I ransom a captive lord without him getting released. Essentaily allowing me to ransom him a unlimited amount of times for infinite money. This happened once with a lord that I now cant remember and once with...
  2. In Progress Game completely freezing

    Summary: In certain areas at certain times game completely freezes, after looking into it further and checking the logs its looks like several armour pieces are failing to load causing the game to freeze completely, no crash screens or anything just frozen and wont resume at all. How to...
  3. szcenyz

    1.5.10 İkmal Hattını Kesintiye Uğrat Görevi

    1.5.10'yla çok mutluydum şahsen. Henüz çoğu şey hala aynı da olsa yine oynamamı rahatlattı fakat bu komplo görevleri ki zaten oyun açısından ne kadar önemli bilmiyorum yapmayı da hiç sevmiyorum. O kadar krallıkla savaştayken sürekli bir görev çıkıyor. Şimdi asıl sorunuma geleyim çünkü daha...
  4. Need More Info Crashes at conversation with some Lords, Some NPC, Brother / Sister

    i play the game 62 hours, had no issue but after 62 hours gameplay , got crashes like crazy when i try to talk to Lords,NPC, or Brothers. Crash Report : https://crash.butr.dev/report/AA2C734D.html
  5. StaceMcGate

    SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Vassal recruiting (1.5.10)

    I think the game is heading in a good direction making it so the player can no longer simply buy off all lords to join their side. Instead, they must find vassals dissatisfied with their lords to recruit. However... there are no good indicators of who these people might be apart from scrolling...
  6. vertibird

    Resolved Clicking Quest Crashes Game

    Summary: Clicking quest tab with mouse or pressing J key immediately crashes game. How to Reproduce: Click quest tab or press hotkey of it (J). Have you used cheats and if so which: I didnt use any cheat or console command etc. Scene Name (if related): It happens both in campaign map and while...
  7. Resolved 1.5.10 inanılmaz takılma sorunu

    1070 ti ekran kartım ve intel 8700u işlemcim var oyunu ilk çıktığında 2 ay kadar uzun saatler oynamıştım ve tabiki en iyi görüntü ayarlarında. Şimdi ise tekrar oynamak için indirdim ve oynayamayacağım kadar kasıyor medium ayarlara indirdiğimde bile hem haritada ama özellikle şehir, kale, köy...
  8. Ananda_The_Destroyer

    Keen Sight + Mounted patrols = The mobile Prison that holds entire factions (in1.5.10)

    Now that we can refuse ransoms in 1.5.10, the perks Keen sight and Mounted patrols make a really strong combo! If you're a lone clan and don't have to worry about peace declarations, you can just round up an entire faction and hold them forever. You can casually take over what ever you want and...
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